Sunday 7: Late Night Edition
1. I didn’t see a single Oscar movie. Yeah, seeing all of the Best Picture nominees was one of my 30×30 goals. FAIL. I guess technically I still have two months. I never explicitly said I’d see them before the ceremony…Any recommendations?
2. Dresses I loved: Anna Kendrick, Penelope Cruz, Helen Mirren, Rachel McAdams. Ooh, and Michelle Pfeffer.
3. Spent the weekend visiting my parents. My WIP is about sisters, and seeing mine was so much fun. We played Trivial Pursuit and laughed so hard we were in tears. I love having sisters. My baby sister is eight years younger than me, but now that she’s 21 and I’m 29, it doesn’t feel as huge as when I was 18 and she was 10. We’re friends now. We automatically get each other chocolate chip cookies when we go to the kitchen and we can shop together and talk about Glee or the Gallagher Girls books. She braided my hair this morning while we watched Pretty Woman, and yesterday we discussed our mutual tendency toward neuroticism and list-making while soaking up warmth in the sunroom.
4. I hit a wall last week on Thrice. I made the mistake of stopping after the first 9 chapters and editing a little, and I totally lost my momentum. I’ve gotten some fantastic feedback on those first chapters, but I wonder whether sharing before finishing the draft was smart. On one hand, I know some things to beware of in the second half. On the other hand, I know what’s wrong with the first half and I kind of want to go back and fix it. Except I don’t think there’s any point in rewriting those first chapters until I find out where I’m going.
6.. In short, perfectionism is rearing its bitchy little head. My wordcount for March is all of 3000 words. In an attempt to conquer that–to finish the first draft without thinking about it so much–I’m challenging myself to write 5K tomorrow. I have the day off and pounding out words in Write or Die seems like a good way to get that momentum back.
7. I will report back tomorrow night or early Tuesday on how it goes.
How was your weekend?
ETA: Um, I somehow skipped #5. But I am now, at 7:17 p.m., embarking on my writing for today. It’s a little later than I’d hoped due to a headache and extensive napping. I’m setting out with a mocha and peanut butter cups. I’m going to be awake forever.