

9 Things That Make Me Happy

1. While I was incorporating the very helpful line notes Steve gave me last night, he made me chocolate chip cookies. And he hung up my laundry, too. (No, you may not borrow him.)

2. Last night I sent my revision to Awesomesauce Agent Jim.

3. I found out today that I’m getting a raise! My boss told me last week that he didn’t think the provost was going to approve it, and he didn’t seem in any hurry to find out or push the issue. I was super-disappointed. But then this afternoon he told me that it *is* going through–as of May 1–and it’s actually an extra $50/month more than I had anticipated!

4. This means we can afford iPhones! My current phone doesn’t have a data plan, so I’m really excited to upgrade. I wonder if I can find a cute pink case…

5. Pink is definitely my color this spring. Last spring it was yellow. I ordered a pair of pink Converse yesterday. And I have an appointment with a new stylist on Friday, and I am going to ask her opinion about a pink streak in my hair. A girl only turns 30 once, right?

6. Today was Pie Day at work. Every year the finance department has Pie Day. There are skits and people bring in pies–like thirty pies. I never remember when it is–I do not know what Pie Day actually celebrates–I’m not even sure if we are technically invited–but this year a bunch of the Press staff went over and had some pie. My favorite was raspberry with crumb topping.

7. This weekend we bought and planted a tree! It’s a thundercloud plum. Except I feel like I have to say it THUNDERCLOUD PLUM. Like THUNDERCATS HO!

8. I’m finally reading Fire, and I love it. Such fascinating worldbuilding. Such wonderful characters. I far prefer it to Graceling, but now I want to reread that too.

9. Tonight I went to the Poetry Out Loud finals (high school students reciting poetry). In the semifinals yesterday, the 53 state finalists were narrowed down to 9. Tonight they each recited two poems and then the top 3 recited one more. They were amazing. This is the third year I’ve gone and they’re always amazing. My favorite poem tonight was "Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100" by Martin Espada. My second-favorite was "Hate Poem" by Julie Sheehan.

What are you happy about today?

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