Thrice Interview: THE STORY OF OWEN
Hi! Today we’re celebrating E.K. Johnston’s THE STORY OF OWEN: DRAGON SLAYER OF TRONDHEIM, which came out on Saturday! Happy book birthday, Emily!
Before we start — why are they called Thrice interviews? The original titles for the Cahill Witch Chronicles were THRICE BLESSED, THRICE CURSED, and THRICE FATED. I have a tattoo with the word thrice, which is partly to remind me how joyful writing that first book was, back when it was just mine, and partly because I like threes. Cate Cahill is the oldest of three sisters, as am I. My birthday is May 3; my anniversary is Sept 30. So there’s a natural theme to these interview questions…
They say: Listen! For I sing of Owen Thorskard: valiant of heart, hopeless at algebra, last in a long line of legendary dragon slayers. Though he had few years and was not built for football, he stood between the town of Trondheim and creatures that threatened its survival. There have always been dragons. As far back as history is told, men and women have fought them, loyally defending their villages. Dragon slaying was a proud tradition. But dragons and humans have one thing in common: an insatiable appetite for fossil fuels. From the moment Henry Ford hired his first dragon slayer, no small town was safe. Dragon slayers flocked to cities, leaving more remote areas unprotected. Such was Trondheim”s fate until Owen Thorskard arrived. At sixteen, with dragons advancing and his grades plummeting, Owen faced impossible odds– armed only with a sword, his legacy, and the classmate who agreed to be his bard. Listen! I am Siobhan McQuaid. I alone know the story of Owen, the story that changes everything. Listen!
I say: I’ve heard only awesome things about this one! It sounds both funny and heartwarming.
Now for our interview with Emily:
1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun.
Siobhan is an innovative, practical, competent musician.
2. Describe your book in 3 adjectives + a noun.
THE STORY OF OWEN is an adventurous, Canadian, musical story.
3. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives + a noun.
Kate is an independent, well-travelled, compassionate bookseller.
4. If you could travel to any 3 countries, what would they be?
Scotland (again), New Zealand (again), Peru
5. If you could take any 3 non-writing-related classes, what would they be?
Glass blowing, Swedish weaving, Elvish (JS: ooh, glass-blowing is such an awesome answer!)
6. If you could have any 3 alternate careers, what would they be?
Tolkien scholar, university professor, travel writer
7. What are your 3 favorite flowers?
Gerbera daisies, regular daisies, um…lupins, I guess? (JS: I love Gerbera daisies too!)
8. What are your 3 favorite foods?
Turkey dinner, Babybel cheese wheels, peanut butter Oreos (JS: I have recently discovered Laughing Cow – which I think is a subset of Babybel? – cheeses and I am so in love with them!)
9. What are your 3 favorite books?
Thanks for stopping by, Emily!
You can find out more about E.K. Johnston and THE STORY OF OWEN by following her on twitter, and you can add her book on Goodreads here.