

I ♥ Monday

♥ Wineries. I’m not hugely knowledgeable about wine, but I like to drink it.  I’d rather have a glass of peppery pinot noir than a beer or a cocktail. For our anniversary last week, Steve and I stayed at a B&B in the Shenandoah Valley. Our package included free tastings at several vineyards, and it was really fun to hear the proprietors talk about their grapes and blends and taste different varieties. The innkeepers packed us a picnic lunch of bread, cheese, apples, and pound cake (which we ate inside because it was pouring all day, but it was still nice). And we came home with four bottles of wine: a blueberry dessert wine, an awesome Riesling, a fruity Joy White, and a red blend called Fossil Hill Reserve. Our favorite stop was
Cave Ridge Vineyard

♥ Fall. I am wearing a sweater today. And boots! Later, I’m going to look for my fingerless gloves and my scarf and tights. Happiness!

♥ Introverts. I recently retook the Myers-Briggs personality test, and I’m increasingly introverted. (I’m an INFJ.) I wasn’t surprised. It’s a careful dance lately weighing which plays I want to see with Steve and which invitations to accept against when I would rather just stay home and write or curl up with the cat, some tea, and a good book. I never used to say "no" to things, and sometimes I’m still afraid that if I say it too often I’ll look boring or ungrateful and won’t be invited anymore. Overall I feel like I’m being truer to myself, and figuring out my own balance. Still, I’m always a little thrilled when I stumble upon fellow writers who really get it, or sites like Shrinking Violet that seem to voice just how I feel. I especially adore this Introverts’ Bill of Rights. I think I need to print that out so when I get a case of the Shoulds, I can ponder it. 

What are you loving today?

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