Office Space
My office is slowly taking shape! The comfy, sunflower-patterned armchair won’t arrive for another few weeks. Steve hasn’t found a desk chair to his liking yet. But, as you can see, the desk and the leaning bookshelf are here. On Sunday, we went to the Container Store (!), where I bought green and orange document boxes and a green trashcan and a magnetic dry-erase board. I am in love with the color of the walls in here–Cucumber Mint, I think it’s called?–and am trying for a color scheme of green with pops of yellow and orange. (I say trying because husbands, alas, do not really believe in color schemes.)
Things I still want: more Stiletto Heights art for the walls, an electric tea kettle, some yellow mugs, more vases from my friend Alissa, a printer, a fan, and a desk lamp. I need to collect some post-its and notepads and pens from their far-flung corners to have them handy. And I have to figure out which books to put on my shelf. Craft books? My most-favorite YA novels? I dunno. I hope-hope-hope that someday it might hold books of my very own.
Speaking of books: I bought a new bookshelf last week for downstairs. Since ALA, there had been two stacks on the floor that were in danger of toppling over and burying the cat. Now I have a TBR bookshelf. There are 85 books on it at last count. And yet, when I went to B&N yesterday, I still bought Elizabeth Gilbert’s new memoir COMMITTED and INFINITE DAYS by Rebecca Maizel. I’m addicted, I know…

Some of the artwork I’m considering for the office (Ophelia;The Ballerina’s Ghost; The May Queen). What do you think? Any office-accessory must-haves?