Top Ten Books I Feel as Though Everyone Has Read But Me
Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I love lists, and my to-be-read bookshelf has been haunting me lately, so I thought I’d play along!
…I actually own all of these, too. So many books. Not enough time.
1. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS series by Cassandra Clare (I know. I KNOW. Everyone loves these! Honestly? I started reading the first one and I got squicked out by the potential incest issue. But I hear I should keep reading. ;))
2. DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth. I bought this the week it came out. I lent it to several friends. Whyyyy haven’t I read it yet? I don’t know.
3. MATCHED by Ally Condie. See above. Maybe I just have to be in a dystopian mood?
4. DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver. See above, again. And I adored IF I FALL. It was one of my favorite books of that year.
5. HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins. I’m pretty sure I would love this book. Editor Ari worked on the series at one point and Rachel is hilarious on twitter. Must. Read.
6. WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON by John Green & David Levithan. I’ve read all of John Green’s other books and I enjoyed them.
7. MARCELO IN THE REAL WORLD by Francisco X. Stork. I’ve heard nothing but awesomeness about this.
8. BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Southern Gothic. I love anything Southern OR Gothic. WTH?
9. STORY OF A GIRL by Sara Zarr. I enjoyed ONCE WAS LOST, and Sara’s blog is one of my favorite, most inspiring blogs. I adored her speech on crafting a sustainable creative life last year at NY SCBWI. Why haven’t I gotten to this one yet?
10. THE GIVER by Lois Lowry. I know. It’s a classic. *hangs head in shame*
Which of these do you think I should read next? Are there any of your favorites here?
I have some Apocalypsies ARCs I have to read ASAP so I can pass them on (UNDER THE NEVER SKY and CINDER), but after that, I’ll read whichever book gets the most votes in the comments!