

Road Trip Wednesday: Fantasy Bookstore

I don’t regularly participate in any weekly blog hops, but sometimes the topics are too fun to resist – as with YA Highway’s Road Trip Wednesday today!

This Week’s Topic is: Imagine you get to open your own bookstore. What would it look like? What kinds of books would you sell?

So, there’s this bookstore in my neighborhood, a tiny cluttered one-story shop in a narrow two-story Capitol Hill rowhouse. The Playwright and my friends and I have long daydreamed about what we’d do with it if it came up for sale (and we had the time and money to buy it, which is pretty dubious). I have no idea what the second story is currently – storage? offices? – but my plan is predicated on using that space too.

The first story would be for the cash register, picture books, and early reader/chapter books. There’d also be a cluster of armchairs where parents and little ones could check out books together. Upstairs would be the middle grade and YA section in back. In front, by the windows, there’d also be a tiny stage, where we could have small author events, readings of kids’ work, or even a tiny performance or rehearsal space for theatre. Maybe there’d also be a little drama section?

The Playwright and I would hire all our writer/actor friends in need of part-time day jobs as our booksellers, of course. We’d recommend our favorite books in special displays and bright “staff recommendation” notes. We’d play fun music and have fun prints on the walls, and we’d have free little cups of tea and coffee. We’d liase with our librarian friends to have bigger events at local libraries or at the Hill Center (where I’m now teaching some writing workshops).

What do you think? What would YOUR fantasy bookstore be like? Would it be YA or have all kinds of books? Would you have a space for people to gather? A wine/coffee bar attached so writerly types could hang out?

In other news – thanks to everyone who entered my BORN WICKED paperback contests! @Desi_Gay won the first ARC of STAR CURSED, and @sayitcharlie won the Nook e-reader. I’ll be having several other giveaways over the next few months as STAR CURSED’s release draws nearer. Also, check out the super-cute fansite that Clementine made for the Cahill Witch Chronicles! It’s a great site to find lots of info on the series all in one place. Also, I posted a very small teaser from the beginning of Cahill Book 3 on my Facebook page today!


4 Responses

  1. Thanks!
    And to answer the question in your post, I have plans for my bookstore, like I draw everything with notes everywhere… But it's like a retirement project xD
    It would a bookstore/cafe with a special space for children. A lot of funny events. Actually a bit like Books Of Wonder in NYC. But bigger, and not only children books.

  2. Loved the fansite! Very well done. And I read the review for Star Cursed…it ends on a cliff hanger? I'm already tortured just waiting for this book! haha. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing everything…now to go friend request you so I can read your sneak peek of Book 3!

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