

What’s Up Wednesday #4

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk geared toward writers and readers, allowing us to touch base & let each other know what’s up in our lives! If you want to play along, you can find the link here!

what's up wednesdayWHAT I’M READING

Over the long weekend, I read two amazing manuscripts by friends: HOLD ME LIKE A BREATH by Tiffany Schmidt and ANOMALY by Caroline Richmond. I have such crazy-talented friends, you guys! Now I’m reading THE NEPTUNE PROJECT by Polly Holyoke, which is a fabulous MG under-the-sea adventure with trained dolphins! (more on this tomorrow, when I interview Polly!)


Lots of guest posts in honor of STAR CURSED’s upcoming release (June 18). I also got my first-round edit notes from Editor Ari. She left me a cramazing (crazy+amazing) voicemail on Fri night saying she LOVED Cahill Book 3. Phrases like “it’s so effing good” may have been used. Considering that I rewrote 75% of SC, this was a huge relief. People who say editors don’t edit anymore haven’t met Ari – there are 319 notes in 309 pages – but this revision is finessing the plot that is already there instead of throwing it out and starting over. Adding a scene or two, making sure the villain’s motivation makes sense and changing a few bits of her plot, making sure the stakes are clearer earlier, adding lots more sensory detail and physical descriptions, but not major restructuring. It is inspiring-challenging, not traumatized-and-crying-challenging. Anyway! It is due in 3 weeks, right when STAR CURSED comes out, so…as soon as I knock out these promo posts, that’s what I’ll be doing!


My editor. I really adore her. I’m also super, super inspired by all the early STAR CURSED readers who have been tweeting me and posting reviews! I can’t wait ’til it’s out and everyone can tell me what they think! These last few weeks before release are crazy busy but so fun!


Our third annual Memorial Day weekend writing retreat was awesome! Since I got my edits on Fri night and didn’t want to start in on them until I talked to Ari on Tues, it was more of a reading retreat for me. There was chatting with my CP Katie on the porch swing of the log cabin, and a tasting and a picnic at a winery, and lots of cheese (cheese and crackers for happy hours, mac & cheese, hash-brown casserole…), and pink champagne and publishing talk, and it was really fun. I’m so grateful for my friends. Here’s a picture!

L-R: Caroline Richmond, Andrea Lynn Colt, me, Tiffany Schmidt, Miranda Kenneally, Kathleen Foucart, Robin Talley

L-R: Caroline Richmond, Andrea Lynn Colt, me, Tiffany Schmidt, Miranda Kenneally, Kathleen Foucart, Robin Talley

Now I’m home for a few days and then I head out this weekend to lovely Chestertown, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, for my college reunion. I was a drama major in undergrad, and two of our four drama professors are retiring this year, so the dramalumni group is gathering for toasts and a slew of retrospective scenes. One of my BFFs is flying in from San Diego and I’m so psyched to see her!

Hope you all have an awesome weekend, too!

8 Responses

  1. Erin Funk

    What a great picture! It sounds like your writing retreat was a lot of fun. I could definitely use some wine and cheese and a porch swing at a log cabin about now. That's awesome that you're inspired by your editor. It must be so exciting to see the final touches put on your latest book!

  2. Editor Ari sounds like Wonder Woman! And how awesome that she loved your Book 3. Your writing retreat sounds wonderful. I could easily spend some time with my writer friends, having picnics, eating cheese, drinking champagne…and writing, of course. 😉

  3. commutinggirl

    I just spent 10 days in Maryland 🙂 That retreat really sounds like fun! And yay for a great editor 🙂

  4. katharineowens

    What a fun set of events– your writer's retreat sounds so neat and how AMAZING to get to attend your reunion and see all of your old professors and friends. And how great that you have found an editor that you like and who gives such great feedback.

  5. Loie

    Can't wait to read SC 🙂 !!! Awesome that your editor left you such a great voicemail eeee, you must be thrilled!! Good luck xx

  6. Rae

    It's really encouraging to see that you have such a great relationship with your editor. And that retreat sounds like a fabulous way to spend your weekend! Good luck on book 3!

  7. Guinevere

    Have fun with your dramalumni! Matt and I did drama in college too and it's always special catching up with those friends.

    The retreat looks like great fun and I hope it was fruitful for everyone too! I wish I'd been with you guys. : )

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