
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Dear Teen Me Blog Tour + Giveaway

Hi! Today I’m a stop on the DEAR TEEN ME blog tour (check out the other stops and chances to win here). DEAR TEEN ME, edited by E. Kristin Anderson and my awesome friend Miranda Kenneally, releases next week – Oct 30! It  includes advice from over 70 YA authors (including Lauren Oliver, Ellen Hopkins, Sara Zarr, and – EEP! me!) to their teenage selves. The letters cover a wide range of topics, including physical abuse, body issues, bullying, friendship, love, and enough insecurities to fill an auditorium. So pick a page, and find out which of your favorite authors had a really bad first kiss? Who found true love at 18? Who wishes he’d had more fun in high school instead of studying so hard? Some authors write diary entries, some write letters, and a few graphic novelists turn their stories into visual art. And whether you hang out with...
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Hi! I’m such a crazyface today – I’m trying to do a million different things and I’m so scattered and it’s almost 3pm and I still haven’t eaten lunch and I can’t think of a creative blog title – but I have lots of UPDATES. 1. Thank you for all the comments – positive and not – about the new paperback cover! I really am curious about your thoughts and I know my editor read them too. And I’m happy that so many of you like the new cover. I loved the first one too, but I think this one probably reflects the story better. 2. Congratulations to Nicole M. who won the copy of THE INNOCENTS! And stay tuned for more contests – we may be revealing the STAR CURSED cover as soon as next week (so excited!) and I’ll also have Thrice interviews and giveaways coming up soon with...
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Thrice Interview: BLIND SPOT

Hi! Today we’re celebrating the release of BLIND SPOT by Laura Ellen. In this debut teen thriller, Tricia Farni was last seen alive the night she fought with Roswell Hart–a night Roz can’t remember. Can Roz piece together the events of that night, despite the eye disease that robs her of most of her vision, in order to clear her name and find a murderer?  I had a chance to read this early, and while I don’t want to give too much away because there’s a twisty-turny mystery here, I will say that Roz is an engagingly prickly narrator. She’s angry about the way she’s being treated and rightfully so – but I love the way she eventually becomes open to both new friendship and romance. Also, how pretty and intriguing is the cover? Now for the interview: 1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun. Roz is...
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BORN WICKED Paperback Cover Reveal + Contest!

So, as I’ve mentioned on Twitter, Penguin’s decided to change the look of the Cahill Witch Chronicles. This means BORN WICKED has a new cover for paperback (which comes out Jan 3), and STAR CURSED (which now comes out June 18) and book 3 will follow this look. Now, I totally adored the first cover. And I know from a reader’s perspective, it can be annoying when your books don’t match. But they’re hoping that this new look will attract new readers, and I want loads of people to read about Cate and Maura and Tess, so I totally support this! I’m a little nervous. Can you tell? Ok. Here’s the new cover! What do you think? I love the colors of the sky and the big moon and the black birds. (Careful readers might remember that Brenna talks about crows.) I love that Cate looks as though she’s doing...
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Breathless Reads: THE INNOCENTS Contest!

Hi! Today we’re celebrating the release of THE INNOCENTS by Lili Peloquin! It’s the second of this fall’s Breathless Reads, and Penguin has generously offered a giveaway! But first – what’s this book about? Nothing ever came between sisters Alice and Charlie. Friends didn’t. Boys couldn’t. Their family falling apart never would. Until they got to Serenity Point. THE INNOCENTS is the first in a new series of young adult novels that weave a saga of nail-biting drama, breathless romance, and gothic mystery. You all know I adore books about sisters, and I also happen to enjoy stories about messed-up rich people (ala REVENGE or, more aptly in this case, GOSSIP GIRL). Mix in the ghostly presence of Alice and Charlie’s stepsister Camilla and a boy who makes Chuck Bass look stable, and THE INNOCENTS is an awfully fun, twisty read! Now for the interview with Lili: 1. Describe your main...
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