Maybe a Nice Cerulean?
I am feeling blue today. Have been all week, really. Maybe the national anxiety has seeped into my heart somehow. It’s achingly beautiful outside. Fall has begun in earnest with Maya-blue sky, crisp breezes, and skittering leaves. I was actually chilly reading outside at lunch.
But still blue. In response, I am taking a vacation day tomorrow, and I am building a Spoil Myself weekend, the components of which are (so far):
Tonight: Finish reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox (I’m loving this book. More on that later!). Watch the debate and get outraged at Sarah Palin while playing cards with Steve. Write thank-you letters. (I have a mad love affair with my stationery drawer, so this is more fun than a chore, honest). Watch TIVO’d episode of Privileged. Possibly take a bubble bath. Call my mom. (Is this all doable before midnight-thirty bedtime? I am not sure. I have no notion of time.)
Tomorrow: Sleep in until elevenish. Cuddle with cat. Spend afternoon revising (goal: chapters nine and ten). Start The Hunger Games, which I have heard many good things about. Do 20 minutes of yoga.
Saturday: Yoga class! Look up fun-yet-healthier recipes to make for dinner next week and go grocery shopping. Go to coffee shop and people-watch and enjoy sunshine. Revise (goal: chapter eleven). Get hair cut already. Go out for drinks?
Sunday: Walk to Eastern Market with Rosaline. Eat crepes. Meander with tea. Talk about books. Buy jewelry. Enjoy perfect fall weather. Come home and write (goal: chapter twelve).
I’m hoping that oodles of focused writing and reading and tea-drinking and cat-cuddling time will be just the thing(s) I need.
What about you? What do you do to pamper yourself when you’re feeling down?