


This post was inspired by Stephanie Klein.

In my perfect world, I wouldn’t be so concerned about politics. Obama would be the next president. He’d make good on his promises to end wars, create natural energy sources, improve the economy, make college more affordable, make health care more accessible, and increase tolerance and diplomacy. He’d conduct himself eloquently and respectably for the next eight years. He’d leave an impressive legacy behind, including Supreme Court justices who’d uphold our freedoms. DC public schools would become great learning centers. Parents would feel comfortable sending their kids there, confident of giving them excellent educations in a safe environment.


In my perfect world, we would, in another year or two, be able to afford a house in the same neighborhood (NE Capitol Hill) where we live now. It would feature hardwood floors, lots of windows, central air, a window-seat, built-in bookshelves, three bedrooms (one could be my writing sanctuary), and a brick interior wall. It would have a porch with two chairs perfect for curling up and reading. It would have enough of a yard for a grill so we could barbeque. And maybe some flowers; I’d love to grow roses. Rosaline would move nearby, and we’d go for walks before dinner, chatting in the twilight, laughing as her dog Q marked every tree as his territory. She and I would have a regular Sunday brunch with Liz. Steve and I would have Liz and Austin over for regular game nights. We would have plenty of room for entertaining on a frequent basis: dinner parties, cast parties, holiday extravaganzas.


I would eat a giant chocolate-chip cookie every day without adverse effects. I could have Starbucks’ new sinfully delicious Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate whenever I wanted. I’d develop a daily yoga routine to make me feel toned and amazing. I’d wear heels without tottering. I’d have naturally perfectly-shaped eyebrows and frizz-free hair. I’d have no trouble finding shorts and pants that are the right length for someone short but curvy. I’d be a perfect constant size 6 (shout-out to the Wakefield twins). I’d have time to cook elaborate, healthy, delicious vegetarian meals (and once in awhile, a really fabulous steak).


I would, of course, be a published author. I’d find an amazing, kindred-spirit agent and editor to work with on my Garolass books. They’d help me become better and better. Readers would fall in love with my characters the way I have. I’d meet all of the writers whose books I adore and admire. I’d have a book-signing in the town where I grew up, at their new library; the high school English teachers who encouraged me would totally be there. Oo, I could talk at my old high school! That’d be neat. I wouldn’t keep my day job as a photocopying queen. I’d spend mornings sleeping, afternoons alternately reading at coffee shops and volunteering at theatres or libraries, evenings with Steve or friends, then write into the wee hours. I’d have time to read all the books on my TBR list. I’d get awesome ARCs to review, too. I’d make time to do yoga and go for walks every day. I’d drink lots of tea and bake lots of goodies. We’d have season subscriptions for our favorite theatres.


In a few years, we’d have babies. Two, I think. A redheaded girl and boy. We’d name them Lila and Jake. (Steve would like those names in a perfect world.) The monkey-cat would live forever and ever, too. It gets a bit hazy there. But I see lots of weekends spent at my parents’, swimming in their pool, admiring the view and the silence of the country. We’d develop our own little family traditions for holidays.


What about you? What would your perfect world be like? Dream big.  

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