

Friday Five (ok, Six)

1. I got my contract yesterday! This is me signing it this morning at work. I made my coworker take a second picture, because in the first one I looked deranged.

2. Speaking of deranged, I saw an amazing silent production of King Lear last night. It involved clowns and had a very Tim Burton-esque feel. The last tableau was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen on stage. The whole production was visually stunning and quick-paced and fascinating, although it maybe had one too many metaphors for my taste. If you’re in DC, it’s running through April 24.

3. This week has felt tremendously loonnnng. But tonight I’m getting drinks and mani-pedis with one of my best friends, in preparation for her engagement party tomorrow! Β Liz was my freshman & sophomore college roomie, which means we’ve been friends for 13 years now, and I’m so excited for her!

4. I have TWO weddings to go to this fall, and I can’t tell you how much I love weddings and all the associated planning. I think in another life I’d be an event planner. What would your alternate life career be?

5. In this life, I’m planning to immerse myself in edits this weekend. I’ve been researching 1890s fashions in preparation for an upcoming scene at the dressmakers’. I get to add a whole new chapter, which also involves a girl being arrested, someone suspecting that her sister likes the ladies, and a sexy gardening scene! I’m really excited. First, though, I have to figure out a major plot point about a hidden diary. Hmmm…

6. Thanks to everyone who helped me test out the new poll plug-in! I think it works! I’m reading THE GODDESS TEST first, to be followed by ULTRAVIOLET, because I’m not sure I’m in a grim dystopian BLOOD RED ROAD kind of mood. Anyone read any of these yet? What’d you think?

Have a fabulous weekend!

15 Responses

    1. Thank you! We might have to stop by Tunnicliff's for drinks afterwards, since it's right down the street!

      Also, whenever you'd like more readers for your contemp, please feel free to send it my way! It sounds great!

  1. Jackie

    LOVE the picture. But I wouldn't have been able to do King Lear. Couleraphobia (fear of clowns). aaa.. clowns AAA RUN CLOOOWNS AAAAAAAAA!

  2. W-O-W! This just makes it all so real! I love reading updates on….what's the opposite of a saga? Or maybe saga is the right word, it's just developed a negative connotation…

  3. Stephanie

    That is fantastic, Jessie! We'll have to toast twice tomorrow – once for Liz and Austin, once for you! Or maybe twice for both. Or all night long.

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