

BORN WICKED Cover Reveal + Contest

I am so, so happy to be able to share the cover for BORN WICKED.


With no further ado:


It feels lush and sexy and that’s just what I wanted.

I love how direct and powerful her gaze is. I love those red and pink flowers. I love that we see a bit of Cate’s garden, which plays such an important role in the book.

I love that we see her knees even though it’s scandalous.

I love the font, especially the series title. (The Cahill Witch Chronicles has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Those hard Cs? I heart alliteration.)

And yeah, I love that it has my name on it. It makes this all feel very real.

I feel very grateful to the designer and the cover gods.

What do you think?

To celebrate, I’d like to give away a few upcoming Penguin books, namely:

CROSSED by Ally Condie, sequel to MATCHED

WOLFSBANE by Andrea Cremer, sequel to NIGHTSHADE

and by popular demand:

LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR by Stephanie Perkins, the companion to ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment, but
+1 extra entry if you retweet this post (BORN WICKED cover reveal + contest:
+2 extra entries if you post the cover on your own blog (please leave a link here)

Contest is open until next Wednesday, June 22, at noon EST.
ETA: Yes, the contest is open internationally.



343 Responses

  1. OH MY GOODNESS, it's STUNNING! YAAY! I'm so happy for you. You were indeed blessed by the cover gods!

    +1 I retweeted you about your cover/giveaway (@lena1xoxo)

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

    *crosses fingers and hopes, hopes, hopes*


  2. owlandsparrow

    Jessica! It's GORGEOUS. *reaches through internet and steals book from Stephanie, who just stole the book from you* Seriously. Gorgeous.

    I RT'd the post (I'm @olsonkayla), and will probably do a blog post about it later this week—I'll come back and leave a link if I do. 🙂

    Yay! Can't wait to read!

  3. Patricia

    Congratulations Jess! The cover is AMAZING (LOL I know I already tweeted that a few times but I can't stop gushing about it!)

    I can't wait until I can add that beauty to my bookshelf!



  4. Katy Dailey

    I can only imagine how awesome this is for you! I got a little misty eyed and it's not even my book. I'm so happy for you and proud of you too. Huzzah!!

  5. Nikki

    Oh, this has me SO excited about my cover. Will it be this awesome?? I hope so! I'm off to tweet about yours. 😉

  6. What a stinkin' GORGEOUS cover! Honestly, the way those colors pop (they're so sharp and vibrant) and her EYES! You won the cover lottery, lady. I'd definitely pick this book up off the shelf.

  7. Pingback : » Blog Archive » Born Wicked cover reveal and Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer ARC giveaway!

  8. Oh my goodness, Jessica! That's an absolutely GORGEOUS cover! So thrilled for you! I hope the cover design team at Harper does such justice to my book! Facebooked & tweeted this!

  9. Mimi

    SO PRETTY! I can't wait to put it on display at the library =D I've already told our teen librarian that she has to be on the lookout for it.

  10. Jill Kroos

    That is soooooo awesome! I'm so happy for you. I love the colors and the font and, well, EVERYTHING about your cover. Like I can objectively say, even if I didn't know you, I would pull that book from the shelf at a bookstore. Can't wait to read it!

  11. Beautiful cover! It really is one of those that jumps off the shelf…and I think her gaze does that all by itself! I can't wait to read it!!! Oh, and the contest sounds good too X3

  12. Sarah Contos

    Yay! I'm so excited. Can't wait to add your series to my bookshelf, sister! Also, if your book tour takes you to Belgium at any point, please let me know. I really want to go to there. 🙂 Maybe I'll take a hiatus from work and just become a Jessica Spotswood book tour groupie. . .

  13. Dawn


    This cover is truly a work of art. I would never be able to pass it up if I saw it on the shelf. You should know that if the cover wouldn't have grabbed me the title of the book definately would! Congratulations and happy writing forever more!

  14. You've got a Cover Hall of Fame winner here, Jess! I don't care what anyone says, people definitely judge a book by the cover and this is one of the best I've seen. Congratulations!!! And now I'm off to Tweet all about it!!

  15. dothutchison

    Wow, what a gorgeous cover! Am now intrigued about this book. Thanks for the show,a nd the giveaway!

  16. Laura Quenzel

    Jessica – you've done it and it looks beautiful! What a wonderful accomplishment! When's the next one coming out??! Hehehe much love, Laura Q

  17. robintalley

    That cover is so beauteous I squeal inside every time I see it!

    Also I tweeted and blogged the cover, because I wanted to but also because I TOTALLY WANT TO WIN LOLA OMG.

  18. Melissa Hmelnicky

    This looks BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations, Jess! And I adore the font and the pink flower – it wouldn't be a Jessica Spotswood cover without a hint of pink. Cannot wait to gobble this up when it's released!


  19. Pingback : darkangel88 - Cover Reveal: Born Wicked

  20. Congratulations, the cover is absolutely beautiful!!

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win these–I'm stuck on bedrest and really need some new reading material!! I also tweeted it (@sarablarson), so +1. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats again! 😀

  21. Joanna Ward

    CONGRATLATIONS on Born Wicked. The cover of your book is absolutely WICKED & totally mesmerizing. I'm SO <3ing it! Plus, its premise sounds like a truely promising read. I can't wait 'til it's out on the shelves. Thanks for celebrating your release with this sweet giveaway! = )
    Email: joanna9273[at]gmail[dot]com

  22. Amber S.

    I definitely wouldn't mind looking at that cover for a long period of time. Anyway, I'd be so grateful if I won the giveaway. So….. please will you pick me?

  23. Jewel Davidson

    Luv the cover! It makes me want to read the book without even seeing the description of the book- so much for the "dont judge a book by its cover" theory 🙂

  24. Samantha C.

    Oh my gosh that's beautiful!! I'd totally tweet or write something on a blog but unfortunately, I don't have either. Aish. Anyways, I love love love your cover and congrats and thanks for the giveaway!! ^_^

  25. Nimra

    What an amazing cover… I read the Gemma Doyle series, and i hope this book is sort of a reinvention of the series, but with its own twists and surprises!

    1. Thanks, Nimra! I don't know if I can live up to Libba Bray (who could?) but the Gemma Doyle series is actually what I've been using as a comp title, i.e. "if you like this, I think you'll like my book."

  26. Kailey

    I love cover releases, they're so exciting! Your cover is gorgeous, and I'm sure that story within it will be even better! Thanks for the giveaway, too.

  27. Morgan

    I can not wait to read this book, if it's as great as this cover I'm sure I will not be disappointed! 😀 It's just so interesting! SO many different elements make this appealing and now i'm drooling to get my hands on your book! (:

  28. Congrats Jess. Awesome cover. I read what Alice Marvels said about the book, how it's like the Gemma Doyle trilogy (a trilogy which I LOVED!), and now I'm really looking forward to reading it. Hope I win.

    P.S. Love the flowers.

  29. Amy C.

    Lovelyyyyy cover and even though you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover I would read this one just because the cover is so beautiful!! Can't wait til it comes out!!

  30. Becca

    AMAZING CONTEST! I think I am in love. Btw, I am utterly and completely in love with the cover. It makes me want to buy the book just because of the cover.

  31. Alexandra Woods

    OMG, i have been waiting for ages to see this cover… and it has surpasssed my wildest dreams 😛 HOORAY!!!!

    Thanks for the comp!!! 🙂

    -Alex 😀

  32. Emilyy

    I actually can't find anything about this cover I don't love. Congratulations on the new book and its amazing cover! 🙂

  33. Mandy

    I am really really gald I stoped by here. Not only is it a great giveaway but I found a new book to look forward to coming out. I am always looking for more books to read and judging by the cover this one will be great.

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