

Six Things on a Saturday

1) I am now solely employed as a writer. Thursday was my last day at my day job. It was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because–well, this is a dream come true, much sooner than I’d ever anticipated. Sad because this was my first job after college, when I moved to DC, and I worked there for almost nine years. My coworkers drove me batty sometimes but they were supportive witnesses to so much of my growing up: my grad school years, the unhappy anxious year I spent interviewing for theatre jobs, when my dad got divorced, when my grandmother died, when I got married, when I bought my house, when I got my book deal.

2) In fact, my coworkers got me a hot-pink carry-on suitcase as a going-away present. It is so perfect for me. And well-timed, too, because I found out on Thursday that I’ll definitely be touring next spring for BORN WICKED! I’m so excited, and I’ll post more information on that when I can. (It may be awhile until things are finalized.)

3) Today I went to the independent children’s bookstore on Capitol Hill, The Fairy Godmother, and introduced myself as a local author. I was really nervous. But she was so, so nice and excited for me.

4) I have a habit of buying myself a piece of jewelry when I hit a publishing milestone. I bought myself a ring today–one of several I’ve purchased from this artist at Eastern Market.

5) I promised myself that once life slowed down, I’d start taking better care of myself. The need for this was made even clearer when I found out yesterday I didn’t get our first choice of new health insurance because of my BMI (which is in the overweight range). I’m really going to make an effort to eat more mindfully. I like to cook–but things have been so crazy in the last few months, I’ve been relying more and more on takeout and processed, microwavable foods. Another goal is to exercise every day in July. To help motivate me, Steve bought me the most adorable owl stickers. It’s surprisingly effective. I really want an unbroken streak of owls to put on the calendar!

6) Tonight we’re going over to a friend’s to play board games and drink wine. That is also our plan for the Fourth of July. I’m hoping I can convince them to play Ticket to Ride at some point because that’s my favorite.

Whatever your 4th of July plans, I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

10 Responses

    1. Thanks, Heather! I hope you have a wonderful time on your retreat! I'm going to have a sort of mini-retreat here at home this week: I think some yoga & writing on a fun side project & journaling are in order.

    1. Thanks, Eve! I still feel like it's just a long weekend; I have to keep reminding myself that I don't HAVE to get all these chores done by Tuesday! I hope you're having a fabulous weekend too!

  1. I love Ticket to Ride! Especially with wine 🙂 Congrats on the news about going on tour, that's so exciting!

    Owl stickers would motivate me too. I may steal that idea … 😉

    1. Last night we got sidetracked by the wine, so I think tonight will be Ticket to Ride time. Which edition do you have? We have the European one but I might have to buy an expansion pack too.

      I love my owl stickers. In fact, I'm off to earn one now…

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