

Four Months ’til BW ARC Contest

EEP. Guess what? Only FOUR MONTHS until BORN WICKED is released!

I had my first marketing call on Wednesday, and exciting things are starting to happen. For instance, Penguin created this postcard to hand out at the Austin Teen Book Festival last weekend:

You can follow this link to read the first chapters of these 5  fabulous books–including the first TWO chapters of BORN WICKED!

To celebrate the four-month mark, I’m giving away a signed ARC of BORN WICKED and an ARC of Jess Rothenberg’s THE CATASTROPHIC HISTORY OF YOU AND ME. Which just landed on my doorstep this afternoon. After reading the sampler, I can’t wait to dive into it.

The contest will be open internationally until next Friday, October 14, at noon. All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment. BUT if you’d like an extra entry, you can tweet, or Facebook, or blog about the sampler like so:

Check out Penguin’s Teen Spring Sampler, featuring BORN WICKED & CATASTROPHIC HISTORY, here: @jessica_shea

6 Responses

  1. Savannah

    Hello! Very excited for your boil to come out! Thanks for the contest!! I retweeted the contest tweet! (bookswithbite)


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