

One Month

EEEEP! It’s now less than one month until BORN WICKED is released! I’m getting super-excited to share it with everyone!

What’s going on with the author a month before release? Well, I spent a lot of time signing bookmarks last night while watching ONCE UPON A TIME and not-signing while being unable to tear my eyes away from the season two premiere of DOWNTON ABBEY. (Lady Sybil aka Nurse Crawley is my favorite!) I’ve also been signing a bunch of postcards for New Zealand readers and booksellers. (Penguin NZ made those and they’re gorgeous!) I’ve been writing some guest blogs and interviews as well. If you’re interested in interviewing me, please contact Penguin at about being added to the official blog tour! Last but not least, I’m planning my DC launch party (Saturday, February 11! Stay tuned for details later this week, I hope!) and my tour wardrobe.

I’m also working furiously on rewriting book two in the Cahill Witch Chronicles. I’m so excited about BORN WICKED that it’s difficult to find quiet, focused writing time. I have to put up a fence in my mind that shuts out all of the publishing STUFF (nerves about touring and reviews, excitement about seeing my book on shelves and meeting readers) and just focus on the page. That touchstone word CREATE? Yeah, that’s been challenging. Honestly, I wasn’t very productive last week, so I’m vowing to be better this week. My CP Katie is coming to visit for a few days starting Wednesday and I know she’ll crack the whip if need be. We’re going to have some excellent coffee-shop writing dates!

Now: time for another contest! This month I’m giving away a signed ARC of BORN WICKED, plus three ARCs by other Penguin debut writers:

Katherine Longshore’s GILT

Sara Wilson Etienne’s HARBINGER

Lizzie K. Foley’s REMARKABLE

I’m reading GILT and HARBINGER this week myself, but I read REMARKABLE back in November and it is indeed remarkable. Utterly delightful, totally charming for tweens and adults alike!

To enter, just leave a comment below. Contest is open internationally until next Sunday, January  15 at 12pm EST.

If you’d like to help spread the word, you can RT: One month until BORN WICKED! Enter to win fab ARCs by @KALongshore @wilsonetienne @lizziekfoley & @jessica_shea:

7 Responses

  1. Pingback : 7 Things That Are Excitement-Inducing « Robin Talley, YA writer

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