

Class of 2012 YA Superlative Blogfest: Day 1


Because I can’t resist making lists!

Favorite Dystopian: THE WAY WE FALL (with a nod toward 2013’s PRODIGY, which I got to read early!)

Favorite Science Fiction: CINDER 

Favorite Fantasy: BITTERBLUE (also my favorite book of the year, but I’ll do a Top 10 list later this month!)

Favorite Contemporary: a tie between STEALING PARKER and SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL

Favorite Action/Adventure: SCARLET (with a nod toward 2013’s ALTERED)

Favorite Historical Fiction: a tie between GILT and THE WICKED AND THE JUST 

Favorite Mystery: VENOM

Favorite Romance: UNDER THE NEVER SKY

Favorite Paranormal: BLOODROSE

Favorite Family Drama: MY LIFE NEXT DOOR

Favorite Genre Bender: BLACK CITY

What are some of your superlatives? Share in the comments!

And to read more, check out the Superlative Blogfest here, or the Atlantic Wire’s YA/MG Book Awards, where they voted BORN WICKED “Most (Literally & Figuratively) Magical!”

24 Responses

    1. I loved them both! TWWF is haunting – I read it while on a cruise, and every time someone in the elevator sneezed, I was like: EEP! BLACK CITY is swoony with really wonderful character development & fascinating world-buliding. I can't wait for both sequels!

  1. You've got some great books on this list! A couple of them are on my superlatives list today too, while others are sitting on my TBR list waiting to be read. Thanks for the reminders! 🙂

  2. Stephanie Allen

    I have Venom on hold at the library right now. It sounds really interesting, so I can't wait to finally get ahold of it! I'll have to look up most of these other ones on your list, though…it looks like we didn't have many in common which means more books for me to add to my TBR 🙂

  3. Rebecca B

    I don’t have many in common with you–which means I just got a whole bunch of recommendations from your list. I did love CATCHING JORDAN, and I’m looking forward to STEALING PARKER.

  4. Hey, we have a lot of the same picks! I can't believe I haven't read Bitterblue yet… I think I'm scared because Graceling and Fire are two of my favorite books ever. But it sounds like I don't have to worry about it being disappointing!

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