

Paperback Release Day! Plus My First STAR CURSED Contest

Yayyy! Today is the release day for the BORN WICKED paperback!

My awesome friends have sent me pictures of my book in 2 local Safeways (a grocery store chain!!), which is super-exciting and which inspired this contest. 

I’m going to give away my very first ARC of STAR CURSED. I don’t think Penguin is planning to send any out to bloggers until February, and I’m not planning any other giveaways until March, so this is a very early chance to read it. (SC doesn’t come out until June 18.)

All you have to do to enter is take a picture of the BORN WICKED paperback in the wild and then tag me on Twitter or Facebook. If you buy the paperback (yay! thank you!), you can take a picture of it with you (or your pet, if you’re camera-shy). OR you can just visit it at your local bookstore and take a picture of it on the shelf. 

Really, I just love how pretty and shimmery and PINK the new cover is, and it makes me all happy to see pictures of it! So: send me a pic in some fashion, and I’ll enter you in the drawing, and then I’ll choose a winner next-next Sunday (the 13th) at noon!

Also, thank you again to everyone who participated in my #BornWickedChat on twitter! It was super super fun and I’ll definitely do another one before STAR CURSED comes out. If you missed it, I shared some STAR CURSED snippets under the hashtag #SCsnippet. Check them out and let me know what you think!

14 Responses

  1. Congrats! I love the new cover. Mine's the brown-ish one, in hardbound and I definitely think that it looks like a grimoire.

    Can't wait for Star Cursed! (I know I've said this a thousand times)

  2. Montana

    I just finished reading Born Wicked. My only beef is that Cate didn't marry Finn. T^T So sad…..but I loved this book and can't wait for Star Cursed. XD June is way to far away.

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