

Breathless Reads Recap

our first school visit in Chapel Hill

our first school visit in Chapel Hill

Liz seeing her book on a display for the first time at Flyleaf Books

Liz seeing her book on a display for the first time at Flyleaf Books  in Chapel Hill

with blogger Becca from  Bending the Spine at Fiction Addiction in Greenville

with blogger Becca from Bending the Spine at Fiction Addiction in Greenville

At Books & Books in Miami (gorgeous store! and they gave us wine!)

At Books & Books in Miami (they gave us wine!)

On Valentine's Day at The Booksellers at Laurelwood in Memphis

On Valentine’s Day at The Booksellers at Laurelwood in Memphis (note our color coordination!)

At Books of Wonder in NYC with special guest Lili Peloquin

At Books of Wonder in NYC with fab special guest  Lili Peloquin (THE INNOCENTS)

Morgan & me with Awesome Agent Jim

Morgan & me with Awesome Agent Jim

At RJ Julia's in Madison, CT

At RJ Julia’s in Madison, CT

Beth & me in the greenroom at the Faze Magazine event in Toronto

Beth & me in the greenroom at the Faze Magazine event in Toronto

BORN WICKED cupcakes, courtesy of Faze Magazine

pretty BORN WICKED cupcakes, courtesy of Faze Magazine

onstage at the Faze Magazine event in Toronto

onstage at the crazy Faze Magazine event in Toronto

The tour was amazing! It was wonderful to meet readers and booksellers! Now that I’ve gotten (mostly) past my stage fright, I felt so much more comfortable at our events. It was wonderful to see Beth again and meet Fiona, Liz, and Morgan. In addition to the six bookstore signings and the Faze Magazine concert, we also did four school visits. We hit seven cities in seven days. It was exhausting but totally, totally worth it to talk about books all week! THANK YOU to Penguin for sending us out, the bookstores and librarians who hosted us, and all of the readers and bloggers who came to see us!

And now I’m back home with The Playwright and Monkey, and things may be a little quiet around here for the next few weeks. I’m on deadline for the first draft of Cahill Book 3 and I’ve still got lots to write! Meanwhile, STAR CURSED ARCs are making their way out into the world (see here for how to request one) and I am so excited to hear what readers think! So far, early responses have indicated that readers are feeling ALL THE FEELS! *claps delightedly* *smiles wickedly*

8 Responses

  1. OMG Jessie, I want all of your dresses. You look beyond fabulous!

    Unrelatedly, I keep seeing copies of Born Wicked getting checked out all the time in my library system and it makes me HAPPY. We have the playaway audio version now too, so my dear hubs will be listening to it soon!

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