

News: Good & Bad

Hi! I have some good STAR CURSED news and some bad family news.

Bad news first: My father-in-law has been ill all spring: kidney failure requiring a lengthy hospital stay, dialysis three times a week, then recently pneumonia. They discovered last week that he has an inoperable tumor, and he’s opted to discontinue treatments. He’s home now with hospice nurses and my mother-in-law. We don’t quite know yet whether he has days or weeks left with us. But The Playwright is an only child, and this is rough. I’m sharing this because – well, because it feels strange NOT to acknowledge it. And I usually try to respond promptly to blog comments and twitter @s, especially with a book coming out so soon, but I may be sporadic the next little while. I am SO grateful for all the excitement about STAR CURSED, though!

And on to the good news. It feels strange to celebrate little things like this, but you have to, I think?

Want to know what to read this summer? Check out the LA Times’ Summer Reading Guide. STAR CURSED is one of 12 YA books listed!

STAR CURSED received a lovely 5-star review from Kathy at A Glass of WineStar Cursed takes your heart, rips it up and shows it to you for good measure…torturous in the best possible way…As someone who fully loved Born Wicked,  Star Cursed surpassed all my expectations, and was even better than the first novel. 

Here’s another happy-making 5-bird review from Kate at Ex Libris KateStar Cursed delivered on the promise of a heart wrenching sequel and then some…Will reading this book be painful?  Will you to scream and cry?  Yes, but you’ll beg for more, anyway.

And the blog tour kicks off today with April at Good Books and Good Wine where you can check out an annotated snippet! You can follow the whole blog tour here, and come back on June 21 to enter to win the one-of-a-kind annotated ARC and a star trio necklace.

18 Responses

  1. anniecardi

    I'm so sorry about your father-in-law's illness. Wishing you all lots of love during this hard time. And so so so excited for Star Cursed; glad you have some good news to share as well.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. We went through a similar situation with my grandmother last year, in the end she stayed with my family (my mom was her only daughter) and it is such a hard situation, but (and I don't know if you believe in this or not and I don't mean to offend by any means) but I like to believe that they will be in a better place without any pain. That's just a thought that helped comfort me.

    And I agree, you have to celebrate the little things! All the little things are what make life worth living, in my opinion.

    And again, I don't know if you believe in this or not and I don't want to offend, but I'll be praying for you and your family through this hard time.

  3. Brandy

    Happy to hear the good news about SC, but so sorry about your father-in-law, Jess. Sending you lots of hugs from here. xx

  4. Oh, Jess, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. Huge hugs, and lots of love and prayers headed toward you and yours. Let me know if I can do anything. <3

  5. Tammy M

    So sorry about your father in law. I will be thinking of you and I am sending you tons of hugs.

    I also agree that you need to celebrate the little things! Sometimes it's the little thing that get you through the big things. I'm super excited to read Star Cursed. It sounds amazing.

  6. Your family is in my thoughts, I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Stay strong for your hubby! Don't worry about responding to social media…your friends and fans will help spread the word about Star Cursed.

  7. I will be praying for your FIL, you and your family. Blessings will fill you as you focus on treasuring these final moments together. I pray too that you allow yourself to revel in the joy of your accomplishments. I doubt that he would want you to neglect or downplay what you have worked so hard for. Love and blessings to you, Jess!

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