

Promotional Goodies


I’m planning some posts on the new witchy trend (and why I chose to write about witches) and a post about my love-hate relationship with NaNo this week. But I wanted to do a separate post full of promotional goodies.

First – I’m doing a holiday giveaway! Are you giving BORN WICKED or STAR CURSED as a gift this year? If so, send me the receipt at cahillwitch (at) gmail (dot) com and then fill out this form. To help make your gift more special, I’ll send you signed bookplates and bookmarks. And to thank you for spreading the Cahill love – which is so, so awesome of you! – I’ll email you two short Christmas scenes. They’re from Christmas 1895 – nine months before BORN WICKED starts – and it’s told first from Cate’s pov and then from Finn’s! This offer is open until December 15.

Second – if you’re in the DC area, I’ll be the guest bookseller at Hooray for Books in Alexandria on November 30 from 1-4pm as part of Indies First/Small Business Saturday. I’m really excited to recommend some of my favorite books! And it is so important to support local stores that are vital part of our communities.

Third – I’m giving away 2 signed copies each of the Italian and German editions of STAR CURSED, which are so gorgeous, over at the Corsets & Cutlasses blog. Right now you have a 1 in 4 chance of winning – so go enter before Wednesday at noon!

Fourth- Nominations for the Book Shimmy Awards are up! They have really fun categories, and you should go nominate some of your faves. I would be particularly excited if someone nominated STAR CURSED for Most Emotionally Crippling Ending. *smiles*

Hope everyone’ s having a great weekend!

6 Responses

  1. Erin E.

    Anyone can write a sad book. Few people can write a sad book that actually makes you cry and blows you away. I take all the book recommendations on this site and will go out of my way to enter any contest. I have some friends who might be interested in Born Wicked, so it's an excuse to enter another contest!

    I can't wait for Sister's Fate but am also dreading it too- I am suspecting the end and it's not going to be good.

    1. Hi, Erin! I'm sorry about that. Do you mean the Corsets & Cutlasses giveaway? I don't think we even have comment moderation, so I don't know what happened! I'll definitely have mre giveaways – including a contest for my first SISTERS' FATE advanced copy for Christmas!

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