Thrice Interview + Giveaway: SKY JUMPERS
Hi! Today we’re celebrating Peggy Eddleman’s debut, SKY JUMPERS!
Before we start — why are they called Thrice interviews? The original titles for the Cahill Witch Chronicles were THRICE BLESSED, THRICE CURSED, and THRICE FATED. I have a tattoo with the word thrice, which is partly to remind me how joyful writing that first book was, back when it was just mine, and partly because I like threes. Cate Cahill is the oldest of three sisters, as am I. My birthday is May 3; my anniversary is Sept 30. So there’s a natural theme to these interview questions…
They say: Escape one danger. Jump into another. . . .
“Eddleman brings a strong sense of atmosphere to this post-apocalyptic coming-of-age piece, and the underlying message—that it’s possible to contribute in unexpected ways—is a positive one.” —Publishers Weekly
Twelve-year-old Hope lives in White Rock, a town of inventors struggling to recover from the green bombs of World War III. But Hope is terrible at inventing and would much rather sneak off to cliff dive into the Bomb’s Breath—the deadly band of compressed air that covers the crater left by the bombs—than fail at yet another invention. When bandits discover that White Rock has priceless antibiotics, they invade. With a two-day deadline to finish making this year’s batch and no ingredients to make more, the town is left to choose whether to hand over the medicine and die from the disease that’s run rampant since the bombs, or die fighting the bandits now. Help lies in a neighboring town, but the bandits count everyone fourteen and older each hour. Hope and her friends Aaren and Brock might be the only ones who can escape to make the dangerous trek through the Bomb’s Breath and over the snow-covered mountain. For once, inventing isn’t the answer, but the daring and recklessness that usually get Hope into trouble might just save them all.
I say: I haven’t had a chance to read this yet, but it sounds like a fantastic adventure with a strong, smart girl at the center!
Now for our interview with Peggy:
1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun.
Hope is a daring, risk-taking, supportive friend.
2. Describe your book in 3 adjectives + a noun.
SKY JUMPERS is a fascinating, exciting action novel.
3. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives + a noun.
I am a creative, loyal, organized list-maker. (JS: I love making lists too! I recently downloaded a new list-making app, in fact – Wunderlist – that is my new favorite thing EVER. Just FYI.)
4. If you could travel to any 3 countries, what would they be?
Scotland, New Zealand, and England
5. If you could take any 3 non-writing-related classes, what would they be?
Graphic design, gourmet cooking, and drawing
6. If you could have any 3 alternate careers, what would they be?
Web designer, muralist, and carpenter
7. What are your 3 favorite flowers?
Hyacinth, tulips, nightshade
8. What are your 3 favorite foods?
Chicken scampi, cheesecake, hot salsa
9. What are your 3 favorite books?
BETWEEN THE DEVIL & THE DEEP BLUE SEA, SHATTER ME, & SOME QUIET PLACE. (JS: Ooh! DEVIL was one of my favorite books last year!)
You can find out more about Peggy and SKY JUMPERS at her website or her blog, or by following her on twitter or Facebook.
You can add SKY JUMPERS to your Goodreads shelf here.
Peggy is offering one lucky reader (US only) a signed copy of SKY JUMPERS! Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter. Contest open until next Thursday, January 23, at midnight EST.
Sky Jumpers sounds like a cute and exciting adventure! I don't know if I would ever jump off a cliff but… maybe if I had wings…
I'm super scared of heights, so I wouldn't even consider it, ha!
and my favorite middle grade book from last year was The School for Good and Evil- no question there!!
Ooh, I've been meaning to read that – I bought it months ago! Thanks for commenting, Lena!
I know this is a new author, but I love her already. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks, Kimberly!
Aw, Peggy, thanks for the Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea shout out. You know, there's a good chance I'm going to England/Scotland early September. You should consider a trip too. We could meet at the barren, wild, wild, wild Hermitage Castle for a writing session:…
April! I would be in heaven! Or in a castle filled with ambiance to be precise, but heaven! If only I could, I'd be all over that trip, and we would write the best books ever.
This sounds amazing, you two! I've been on several writing retreats, but never one in a SCOTTISH CASTLE! I feel like it'd lend itself to brilliant ghosty atmosphere!
First of all, I love the whole thrice thing. I have a thing with numbers too, but mine is with the number 11. Peggy knows how I weird I get about seeing 11's everywhere. And I adore that you have a thrice tattoo! What? That's so incredibly cool, and personal, and something I should totally do! Furthermore, I think you and I (Jessica) should be best friends too because my name is also Jessica (tho I go by Jessie) and my daughter's name is Shea! Ha, plus I already love you and your books. Ha, I'm such a creepster!
Anyways, this was a fun interview with Pegalicious. I regularly sleep in the same bed as Peggy (at writing conferences..not just for fun) and I didn't know all this cool stuff about her! GO SKYJUMPERS!
That is all. (No, I'm not drunk even tho this marathon comment might make it look like I am!)
Yay for another Jessica! And a daughter named Shea – I love it! I'm so glad you liked the Thrice interview (and the idea of my tattoo) – do I see that you also have a book coming out in 2014? These interviews are open to all debuts – feel free to fill out the form if you want to participate!
Great interview!! I've heard nothing but good things about Sky Jumpers!
Thanks for reading!
I love Peggy!! Thanks for the interview, ladies!!
Thanks for reading!
Oops, I accidentally posted twice. Sorry. Why not make it thrice?
Thrice is definitely the appropriate number of times to comment.
Great interview. So many great MG books out last year. I loved Sky Jumpers, Cragbridge Hall and The Runaway King.
Ooh, I haven't read any of those yet – thanks for the suggestions!
Sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read it!
Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons
Thanks, Alexis! Hope you enjoy SKY JUMPERS!
Peggy and Jessica, I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in my listing addiction. Something about the mental security of a good list. I've loved Sky Jumpers since I first saw the cover. Beautiful! Thanks for a fun interview, ladies!
Yay, a fellow list-maker! I have been EVEN MORE obsessed with lists since I downloaded Wunderlist – but I've also been more organized! I love it!
How fun! I love seeing these thrice interviews, Jessica! Sky Jumpers sounds amazing, so thanks for the opportunity to win a copy! As for my favorite middle grade of last year, I think I'd have to go with The Mark of Athen by Rick Riordan. I LOVE all of those books so very much. I also really loved Mister Max: The Book of Lost Things by Cynthia Voigt. Middle grade books are so awesome.
Again, thanks!
I haven't read any of the Rick Riordan books yet! *shameface* I used to love Cynthia Voight books in HS though I haven't read any in a while now. Thanks for reading the interview!
My favorite middle grade book of 2013 was Double Vision: Code Name 711 by F.T. Bradley.
Ooh, I haven't heard of that one!
Fun questions! I loved Sky Jumpers, and it was fun to learn a little more about Peggy.
Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
I loved Some Quiet Place too! I can't wait to read this book. My favorite middle grade novel of last year was probably Doll Bones.
Ooh, I've been meaning to read Doll Bones forever! (Can you tell I'm catching up on comments? i've been terrible at responding lately, sorry! I really appreciate that you're such a faithful reader!)
Ooh, I travel with you, Peggy! Those are the same places I want to go.
Thanks for hosting, Jessica!