

I ♥ Monday

♥ Two-day workweeks! 
♥ The Glee Christmas album. I was going to wait until after Thanksgiving to turn on the Christmas music, I swear, but I could not resist its awesome. It’s just so damned merry!
♥ Caramel brulee lattes from Starbucks. I blame you for this new obsession,  !
♥ Part I of Kira’s story. It’s resting in the inboxes of my critique partners. Now it’s time to return to revisions on Thrice for Agent Awesome. I’ve missed those characters.  
In relation to that, I quit NaNo. And I ♥ this post by Saundra Mitchell in which she reminds us that Losing NaNo is still a win, if you’ve learned something about the way you tell stories and that You’ve learned how fast you can write, not that you can’t write at all . I admit, I did not ♥ the envy as I watched my friends’ NaNo-meters climb. I would like to write faster, but it just made me feel stuck and broken and frustrated and horribly guilty. That’s not what writing’s about. And I may only have 11K, but it’s 11K that pleases me, that I think is actually pretty good.
♥ Browsing Etsy for potential Christmas presents. One for me, one for friends…isn’t that how it’s supposed to go? I shall do a round-up of some of my favorite Etsy sites later this week.
♥ In the apparently never-ending search for holiday party dresses, I ordered these two: World Go Round and Liquid Liner. The Up a Notch is also still a contender.
♥ Thinking up books to give friends & my sisters for Christmas. I’m definitely buying a few copies of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS–which releases Dec. 2 and is one of my top 3 favorites of 2010 for sure. It’s so swoony and romantic, like a fizzy champagne cocktail of a novel, like an old black & white film where everything is just a little more delightful than real life. I will also give away a copy on the blog next week to celebrate its release! (I really really ♥ that book, in case you can’t tell.)
What are you loving today? 

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