

Fashion Friday

First: Congratulations to Book Crook Liza, who won my contest for BORN WICKED and THE CATASTROPHIC HISTORY OF YOU & ME. Thanks so much to everyone who entered and helped me spread the word about the first two chapters in the Penguin sampler!

Second: I just wrote a post over on The Nightstand about why I heart THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. You should go read it and leave me a comment telling me why you heart it. (If you don’t watch it yet–you should!)

Third: I went a little crazy ordering armwarmers this week. I got four pairs, all from Zen and Coffee’s Etsy shop, but these two are my favorite. Owls! And crazy corset gloves that I’m going to wear for Halloween! Have you made any fun or silly purchases this week? Tell me about it in the comments!

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