Random Thursday
I’m recovered from the January plague! It took two days off sick, a lot of Inspector Lynley mysteries, and countless cups of tea, but I’m better. Yay! And also boo: It’s like 20 degrees outside and I just wanna curl up with a blanket and my snuggly cat and a good book and some brownies. But no, I am at work, and when I go home, I cannot make brownies because I am trying to yank out my sweet tooth. I am bridesmaiding in April and I do not want to look at pics of myself next to the other, toothpick-size bridesmaid and cringe. (Steve: "But a broomstick looks fat next to her. AIR looks fat next to her!") Let’s be honest, I know it’s more important to be active and heart-healthy, but vanity is my real motivation here. I wanna fit back into those size sixes. Also, I must read terrible scripts tonight. I... Read More