News: Good & Bad
Hi! I have some good STAR CURSED news and some bad family news. Bad news first: My father-in-law has been ill all spring: kidney failure requiring a lengthy hospital stay, dialysis three times a week, then recently pneumonia. They discovered last week that he has an inoperable tumor, and he’s opted to discontinue treatments. He’s home now with hospice nurses and my mother-in-law. We don’t quite know yet whether he has days or weeks left with us. But The Playwright is an only child, and this is rough. I’m sharing this because – well, because it feels strange NOT to acknowledge it. And I usually try to respond promptly to blog comments and twitter @s, especially with a book coming out so soon, but I may be sporadic the next little while. I am SO grateful for all the excitement about STAR CURSED, though! And on to the good news.... Read More