Six Things on a Saturday
1) I am now solely employed as a writer. Thursday was my last day at my day job. It was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because–well, this is a dream come true, much sooner than I’d ever anticipated. Sad because this was my first job after college, when I moved to DC, and I worked there for almost nine years. My coworkers drove me batty sometimes but they were supportive witnesses to so much of my growing up: my grad school years, the unhappy anxious year I spent interviewing for theatre jobs, when my dad got divorced, when my grandmother died, when I got married, when I bought my house, when I got my book deal. 2) In fact, my coworkers got me a hot-pink carry-on suitcase as a going-away present. It is so perfect for me. And well-timed, too, because I found out on Thursday that... Read More