
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

I ♥ Monday

♥ Mom’s chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip aren’t my favorite overall, but hers are awesome and cake-like and I can’t even tell you how many I ate. My sisters and I were hovering around the kitchen like vultures while she baked them. ♥ Qwirkle. Sister A’s boyfriend (who is awesome and hilarious and basically a brother, since they’ve been together for 10+ years) gave sister S this game for Christmas. It’s like Rummikub only with colors and shapes, if that means anything to you. It was really fun, and we might need it for ourselves. ♥ Sherlock. We got the DVDs for Christmas and watched them all in a row and I love love love it. I am utterly smitten. I never thought I’d have a crush on a man named Benedict Cumberbatch, but there you go. Steve likes to annoy me by making up amusing variations on his name, the best being...
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Merry Christmas!

This is a blurry but merry photo of a few of my favorite things: my YA bookshelves, my house, my tree, and my brilliant playwright husband after our holiday extravaganza on Saturday. If anyone knows what the red furry dried flowers in our centerpieces are, do tell. I really like them.Wishing you all a delightful, cozy rest of the week!  Here’s my gift to you: 10 of my favorite words.  truculentmawkishgorgonizeperegrinationdiaphanousstygianmavencredulousdreadfultrepidatious  I’d love it if you’d tell me some of yours, too!

I ♥ Monday

♥ WITHER by Lauren DeStefano. I was lucky enough to get an ARC in the mail, and it’s one of my favorite books of the year–definitely my favorite dystopian read. Perfectly bittersweet and haunting, and there’s a tremendously likable, smart heroine and a world I can’t wait to read more about. Also, you know how it seems like there’s an epidemic of strange names in books? Rhine’s name has meaning! I will gush about this more when it comes out in March. Also, how freaking gorgeous is that cover? ♥ Cardamom cookies. They are so easy and so yummy. Like sugar cookies with a dash of chai. If you’re trying out the recipe–and you should, seriously–I sub a little milk for the cream of tartar, which I never have on hand, and that seems to work nicely. ♥ My friends. Seriously, I am so blessed to have them, old and new. Here’s a pic...
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The Calm Before the Extravaganza

Tomorrow is our annual holiday extravaganza. I think this is the Seventh Annual Extravaganza but it’s the first real one in our house! Last year’s was somewhat compromised by Snowpocalypse. I mean, we had a fantastic time with the four amazing friends who trudged through blizzard conditions to drink champagne cocktails and eat Oreo truffles and little smoked salmon sandwiches and play board games with us. But it wasn’t the usual extravaganza. I have been anxiously reading the weather report and there is NO SNOW in the forecast which is awesome because, seriously, Mother Nature would be dead to me. I keep feeling like I should be stressed out because isn’t that how it goes at this time of year? But I’m not. I am curiously on top of things. My Christmas postcards–which I love, and which are adorned with the cutest polar bear postcard stamps–went out this morning. I...
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Winter Fashion Friday

Baby, It’s Cold Outside. (I love this new Glee version. So flirty & charming!) Anyway, I freely admit that I have been in my pajamas by 7 p.m. several nights this week. Because my new pajamas are awesome. Soft and cozy. I look less sexy in them than this model, admittedly, and more like a five year old. But it’s worth it. Dreamer Flannel PJsI am also a huge fan of The Tee-Jama: And I just ordered another pair of hand warmers, this time in a plummy chenille, from Sock Dreams: And when I’ve got to venture outside–like last night, to get our Christmas tree!–I rely on my new blue coat to keep me warm (Cobalt Meme Coat from Modcloth): How are you coping with the winter chill? Me, I’ve got an ARC of WITHER that I’m really loving, a supply of Cranberry Ginger Holiday Black Tea, and a tree to decorate tonight. Have a happy weekend, all!