
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Question Friday: Christmas Cookies

Happy December, everyone! Thanks for all the good wishes for my father-in-law. He had successful bypass surgery today, so hopefully he’ll be home and recovering soon. I am almost finished with my agent revisions. Two more chapters to go! I really want to nail the ending. I’ve been remiss in my question Fridays. Today’s question: What are your 3 most favorite kinds of Christmas cookies? What is your least favorite? My favorites are: 1. Plump chewy sugar cookies. Sprinkles are acceptable. Icing is not. 2. Chocolate Rolo cookies. . 3. Cinnamon sugar cookies. My mom makes these and they’re tiny and delightful. And my least favorite is anything with nuts. Peanut butter is totally cool, though. I think I’m going to try my friend Jill’s Cardamom Cookie recipe this weekend.

Giving Thanks

I’m sitting on our red loveseat, candles glowing on the coffee table. My netbook is propped on my knees and the cat’s purring beneath them. A mug of peppermint tea sits within reach. I’m so glad to be home, with all of its familiar comforts. I’m working on my edits. Painstakingly layering in more details about smaller characters. Giving the reader more time with Molly. Exploring more of her thoughts and observations and reactions. It’s challenging, making sure the new bits feel organic and not just thrown in helter-skelter, a paragraph here, a sentence here, a little scene here. But I’m lucky to have someone who believes in my book and asks great questions. Our Thanksgiving was not what we expected. We had to call an ambulance for Steve’s dad last night. Steve spent hours at the hospital with his mom, while I waited anxiously at their house, phone in...
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So, my best friend has been at NCTE all weekend. She is a crazy-hardworking English teacher. Not only does she teach AP Lang and 9th grade English, she’s also taking grad classes. And she’s thinking about writing her thesis on heroines in YA dystopias! I have been texting her YA book recommendations in a geeked-out frenzy. She texted me when she was about to listen to Scott Westerfeld or Laurie Halse Anderson or Maureen Johnson. I was very jealous. I have a new dream: that someday we’ll go to NCTE together. She’ll get to speak on a teaching panel, and I’ll get to sign books! How much fun would that be? In the meantime, lookit what she brought home! You will notice that she has two copies of Gone by Lisa McMann and two copies of Linger. That is because one is for me! *squees* Is she not the bestest...
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‘Tis the Season

YOU GUYS! Cranberry bliss bars are back! IT’S CHRISTMAS! I have been having a grumpy day. Neurotic about edits, disconcerted by family news, general grey November gloom. But this has kind of made my day. Soon it’ll be time to buy a tree. To decorate our house for the first time. To send out our Christmas party invitation and stalk the Evite. To plan menus and buy gifts. To dither my way through the stationery store, buy Christmas cards, and get out my calligraphy pens. How’s your day going?

New York Adventure

Steve, last week: Aren’t you excited for our trip to NYC? It’ll be an adventure! Me: No. I do not like adventure. This is true. I would love to be an impulsive, spontaneous, adventurous person, but I have come to accept that I am not. I like routine and home and knowing where things are. On the Meyers-Briggs, I am very, very J (INFJ). Travel, with its myriad uncertainties, is very anxious-making for me. But our trip to NYC was great. We took the Bolt Bus, which I highly recommend. On the way up, I edited two chapters. On the way back, I took a nap and then caught up on my Google Reader. Buses with extra legroom and wireless FTW! Once in NY, we managed to navigate the subway without too much difficulty. It is totally different from the DC subway—older and grungier, but also cheaper! My three favorite...
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