2008 in Review
2008 has, in some ways, been rough. I lost my beloved grandmother. I gave up–for now–on reconciling with my brother. I interviewed for a few jobs I really, really wanted and did not get. I felt bad about not using my dramaturgy degree and angsted over whether my master’s had been a mistake.
But 2008 has, in most ways, been pretty awesome.
I finished writing my first book. I shared it with eager friends, who were smart and generous with their feedback. I wrote a second draft and received more feedback. I decided to majorly overhaul the book, switching from third-person past-tense to first-person present. I am 3/4 of the way through that rewrite, hoping to finish in the next week. This process reminded me how much I love writing. Under the guise of "market research," I stumbled upon an amazing, smart, funny community of YA writers online. I’ve read so much and am awed and delighted at how much more I haven’t read (yet). My favorite books of 2008 were The Hunger Games and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. Wake, The Adoration of Jenna Fox, Shadow Kiss, and the Morganville Vampires series were other books I could not put down.
We moved into our tiny apartment in DC. I heart living in the city, walking everywhere (at least in nice weather), exploring our new neighborhood. We saw some fantastic theatre (in order of awesomeness): The K of D at Woolly, Romeo & Juliet at Synetic, This Shining City at Studio, Argonautika at Shakespeare. Steve had three productions: his thesis, Miranda Is Morning, at Catholic; and his two Fringe plays, Born Normal & Gilgamesh. I was very proud. I began an annual tradition of taking a spa weekend with my best friends to chase away the February blues. We had girls’ nights and game nights and cast parties. My dad got remarried. We went to two wonderful weddings. I rejoiced when Obama won the presidential election.
What were your 2008 highlights?
I’ll post some of my goals for 2009 tomorrow. I am off to make myself some tea and then try not to move. I seriously wrenched my neck this morning and the smallest movements hurt. Who knew I used those neck muscles so much?