

2009 Goals

I have tentatively decided to become a pescetarian. My husband and sisters are all vegetarians. I picked Skinny Bitch up on a whim earlier this week. The authors very strongly advocate organic veganism, and while I have mixed feelings about the book (giving up sugar? ha!) I found parts of it quite convincing. I think being a pescetarian is a workable solution for me. So we’ll see how it goes. I am trying not to think about how I will miss bacon.

I keep saying that I want to develop a more regular yoga practice. It would be awesome if 2009 is the year when I Actually Do It.

I want to keep a book journal. I don’t always like to post the nitty-gritty of my thoughts online, especially critical thoughts. But I do miss thinking and writing more critically about what I read. My sister A gave me a beautiful unlined cloth journal. I think it will be perfect for this purpose.

I am thisclose to finishing my third draft. I’d like to finish it, polish it, and get feedback. And then write another draft. And come up with a damn title. Be brave and start the querying process, then try to remember how to keep breathing. Write another book.

Things I’m excited about in 2009: Going on another spa weekend in February. Being a bridesmaid in my friend Jill’s wedding in April. Possibly taking a trip to visit her out in San Diego (I’ve never been to the West Coast!). Seeing Steve’s play The Tall Tales of the Sisters of Ellery Hollow at the Fringe Festival in July–and hopefully more of his work elsewhere. Seeing lots of other shows around town: Arcadia at the Folger, King Lear at Shakespeare, Midsummer at Synetic, Rock & Roll at Studio, Antebellum and Fever/Dream at Woolly. Reading sure-to-be-fab 09 books like The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Rampant, Tap & Gown, The Demon’s Lexicon, Eyes Like Stars, wintergirls, Fragile Eternity, Blood Promise, As You Wish, Dull Boy, Lipstick Apology—and all the awesome books I got for Christmas.

Most of all, I’d like to be more patient. With myself. With others. So–um, self? When you look back at this in December 2009, it’s totally okay if you haven’t done everything here. I forgive you in advance.

What about you? Do you have a resolution for 2009? Any goals you want to share? 

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