

Fashion Friday

I adore these shoes, both by Poetic License. Sweet Ending in Eggplant or the Backlash in Red? Or Backlash in Brown?

What do you guys think?











I think I might realistically wear the red (or brown–I love those shiny gold laces!) more often. But the pink is so sweet!

I’m in Salt Lake City this weekend helping my little sister get settled in for grad school. There were some traveling snafus last night, but I am now all settled in at the charming Beehive Tea Room, enjoying cranberry-orange scones and a fresh-brewed raspberry-mint iced tea. Once I catch up on my blogs, I’m going back to my hotel to do some writing. And when my sister gets out of orientation, I’m looking forward to spending some time with her. I’m going to make her take me to the King’s English. Visiting bookstores is my idea of tourism dollars. Yes, I am a dork.

Check back in on Monday or Tuesday to see my BRAND NEW website and blog redesign! I might even have a very special giveaway in its honor.




8 Responses

  1. Jackie

    Look up American Eagle shoes in brown on They have a "shootie" that is absolutely adorable. I MUST HAVE THOSE SHOES.

  2. I am all about the pink ones. They remind me of the Sofia Copolla movie Marie Antoinette. 🙂 And a re-design of this website? Hmmm I hope it includes pink, cupcakes and shoes. 😉 Kidding. I can't wait to see the re-design; I bet it will be ausome. xx

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