

Merry + Bright

Hi! I’m taking a blog break until next Thursday, but first I wanted to:

1. Direct you to my Events page, which has been updated to include my Breathless Reads 2013 tour stops! Yay! I’m so excited to be touring (with some of my favorite authors, no less!) and meeting readers again! If you can make it to one of the stops, absolutely let me know!

2. Wish all who celebrate a very happy Christmas! May your week be merry + bright!


my favorite Christmas present already came - ARCs of STAR CURSED!

some of my favorite ornaments - sparkly pink & delicate handblown glass

another glass ornament

ye olde Christmas octopus (and a more traditional ornament with velvet ribbon)

our tree!

4 Responses

  1. Amy

    Great decorated tree and pretty Star Cursed ARCs!!! Thank you so much for the signed bookplate and bookmarks, Jessica!!! I'm going to give my friend Born Wicked later today 🙂

    I hope you have a great Christmas!

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