

STAR CURSED Review Copies & Swag

Hi! Guess what? It’s less than 4 months now ’til STAR CURSED comes out (June 18)! Eeep! I am getting SO excited to share it with you. You know, in that nervous, slightly vomity, OMG-I-hope-you-love-it kind of way.

I’m going to be doing a contest every month, starting March 14 (Cate’s birthday), leading up to publication. Some of them will include other really exciting ARCs and special prizes like signed Breathless Reads posters or jewelry!

I am starting to get some requests for review copies, so I thought I’d clarify: I love bloggers, booksellers, librarians, and passionate readers of all kinds! I am delighted when anyone wants to read my books. But I don’t send out ARCs directly. For that, you need to contact my publisher, Penguin Teen, and they have a very helpful Tumblr post on how to do that. You can currently request STAR CURSED by filling out this Galley Request form, but you should make sure you’ve filled out their Blogger Request form first (I’m pretty sure you’ve only got to do that part once, and then you’re good to request galleys henceforth).

I’ve also been getting loads of requests for swag! I try to accomodate most requests because I love my readers, but please note that I don’t send anything to countries where the series isn’t being published. I had to draw a line somewhere, ’cause international postage is expensive. You can check to see if the Cahill Witch Chronicles are coming to your country here.

If you have any questions, are interested in having me do a guest post or interview leading up to STAR CURSED’s release, or just plain want to chat with me about books or writing, feel free to email me at cahillwitch (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you! I am exceedingly grateful to everyone who’s read BORN WICKED and is excited for STAR CURSED. It’s harder to build buzz for a second book than a debut, and I really appreciate any and all efforts to spread the word!



6 Responses

  1. Desiree

    You have nothing to be worried about! Star Cursed was was even better than Born Wicked! Everyone is gonna LOVE it! Now I just can’t wait to see how it all ends in book 3.

  2. Well, I can't see why it should be difficult to create eagerness for a second book if the first one was a success. I read it, I loved it and I'm really looking forward to reading the next one. I wish you luck because your story deserves it.
    And thank you for your advice.
    Kisses from Spain.

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