

Thrice Interview + Giveaway: INSOMNIA


Today we are also celebrating the release of J.R. Johansson’s INSOMNIA.

They say:  

insomniaIt’s been four years since I slept, and I suspect it is killing me.

Instead of sleeping, Parker Chipp enters the dream of the last person he’s had eye contact with. He spends his nights crushed by other people’s fear and pain, by their disturbing secrets—and Parker can never have dreams of his own. The severe exhaustion is crippling him. If nothing changes, Parker could soon be facing psychosis and even death.

Then he meets Mia. Her dreams, calm and beautifully uncomplicated, allow him blissful rest that is utterly addictive. Parker starts going to bizarre lengths to catch Mia’s eye every day. Everyone at school thinks he’s gone over the edge, even his best friend. And when Mia is threatened by a true stalker, everyone thinks it’s Parker.

Suffering blackouts, Parker begins to wonder if he is turning into someone dangerous. What if the monster stalking Mia is him after all?

I say: I haven’t had a chance to read this yet, but check out some of the blurbs:

“INSOMNIA is the perfect blend of everything I love in a story. Suspense, twists, characters with many levels that make me wonder just how good or just how bad they really are. I highly recommend this book to everyone and I hope a sequel comes soon!”

–JAMES DASHNER, author of the #1 New York Times Bestselling MAZE RUNNER series

“Cleverly written and dangerously dark, INSOMNIA will take you to the brink of insanity. A must read for thriller and romance fans alike.”


“Completely unputdownable. I’ve decided to nickname Johansson ‘Scary McScarypants,’ because she spooked me in all the best ways. Who do I have to bribe to get book two now?!”


“This book plunges you into the waking nightmare of one extraordinary insomniac’s life. A riveting story of terror and despair that will keep you up long past your bedtime.”


Now for our interview with Jenn:​

1. Describe your main character in 3 adjectives + a noun.

Parker is an exhausted, semi-psychotic soccer player.

2. Describe your book in 3 adjectives + a noun.

INSOMNIA is a creepy, twisty, intense thriller.

3. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives + a noun.

Jenn is a friendly, slightly-eccentric, Diet-Coke-loving night owl. (JS: YAY for fellow Diet-Coke-loving night owls!)

4. If you could travel to any 3 countries, what would they be?

Germany, Italy, and Australia

5. If you could take any 3 non-writing-related classes, what would they be?

​Pottery, criminology, astronomy  

6. If you could have any 3 alternate careers, what would they be?

CIA agent, librarian, singer

7. What are your 3 favorite flowers?

​Lilies, daisies, and lilacs

8. What are your 3 favorite foods?

Crepes, hot cocoa, and cupcakes (JS: Yum!)

9. What are your 3 favorite books?

SENSE & SENSIBILITY, THE SHINING, HARRY POTTER (JS: Whoa, those are super diverse choices!)

You can find out more about Jenn at her blog, her website, or by following her on Twitter.

Jenn is being generous enough to offer one lucky reader a signed copy of INSOMNIA! Contest open in the US only, through noon EST next Wednesday, June 19. To enter, just leave a comment below telling us: do you ever remember your dreams?

Contest is now over! Thanks, Jenn!

24 Responses

  1. It’s more uncommon that I don’t remember a dream. I have some dreams that I forget as soon as I get up, some that only the feelings and emotions linger, and others that sear into my memory.

  2. Wow…this book sounds great! I do remember my dreams. And I write a few of them down, some as story ideas and some because they seem to tell the future. Odd I know, but it happens. 🙂

  3. I remember about 90% of my dreams. I sometimes feel like they’re so vivid and real and sometimes am disappointed — if they were exceptionally good dreams — that they ended. And more times than not, I always wake up at the best parts or before I get the answers to any questions within the dream. I have recurring dreams, too, and after taking three undergraduate psychology courses & evaluating my dreams, I apparently have problems of letting things go… which is true. I rarely have nightmares; some dreams are better than others on content but never nightmares, 🙂

    1. Oh, I know what you mean – I have totally gone back to sleep to try to "finish" a dream – but it always takes a weird disjointed turn after I wake up and go back to sleep. I wish I never had nightmares! I have several recurring stress dreams. One is about my teeth falling out/crumbling, which I hear is supercommon. Did you learn about that in undergrad psych?

  4. erinf1

    Congrats to JR on the new release! Sounds awesome! Ummm…. I usually remember the main parts of my dreams but not the details and I rarely ever dream so maybe that's why.

  5. Beverly

    Sometimes I remember them in full (I had this recurring nightmare when I was little involving a battle against Darth Vader and one of those ball pits you play in as a kid. I know, I don’t get it either). But most of the time I wake up desperately trying to salvage my dream, grasping for any dregs of images that I can hold into. Most of the time I feel them slip away and I will spend the day feeling like I’m missing something. Also occasionally, those lost dreams will come back to me suddenly in the middle of doing something (often times at a very inappropriate moment which doesn’t do wonders for your social life when you suddenly interrupt someone to say, “ohhhhhhhh now I remember!”).

    1. I know what you mean – I lose the threads of my dreams soon after I wake up unless I tell people about it or write it down. I do have several recurring stress dreams (like about my teeth falling out, or not being able to find my cat in a sea of black cats?) that I remember.

  6. When I was a teenager, I never used to remember my dreams but nowadays I do. At least for a little while until the day swallows me up. This book sounds awesome and I thank you for introducing it to me!!! Also, thank you for the opportunity to win 🙂

    1. Thanks for reading, Lynsey! I love the idea of the day swallowing you up – nice turn of phrase! 🙂 I remember lots of dreams at first but unless I tell someone/write them down the threads slip away from me too.

  7. Vivien

    I do remember my dreams. Not always but there are so many times when I have de ja vue and it comes to me at a later time. It can be very unsettling.


  8. nmhewitt

    I usually do remember my dreams! I often dream that I've woken up and then realize I'm still dreaming (I often do this over and over again many times before I actually wake up). Thanks for the opportunity to win this book – I'm REALLY looking forward to reading it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  9. Do I remember my dreams? No, most of the time I don't…But, sometimes I get lucky and remember bits and pieces of a dream (Usually A Good One). My bad dreams, I wake up and remember I had a bad dream, but can't remember what it was about, Most of the time ( Thank Goodness). I don't want to remember my bad dreams, But I love remembering my good dreams! 🙂 Thanks for this great giveaway! 🙂

    1. I think I'm the opposite of you — I tend to remember stress dreams more often than good dreams. I have several recurring ones about my teeth falling out or not being able to find my cat!

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