

STAR CURSED Preorder Prizes


Next Friday I’ll be unveiling the Rafflecopter for the annotated ARC from which I’ve been sharing excerpts on my STAR CURSED blog tour. But in the meantime I wanted to announce another little contest:

If you have pre-ordered STAR CURSED or buy it within the first two weeks (from June 18-July 2), you can email me your receipt at cahillwitch (at) gmail (dot) com and I’ll send you swag! This means signed Cahill Witch Chronicles bookmarks and a personalized book plate for STAR CURSED – and a bookplate for BORN WICKED, too, if you don’t already have one – and I will ALSO enter you into a drawing for two upcoming Penguin releases that I’m really excited about: Fiona Paul’s BELLADONNA and April Genevieve Tucholke’s BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA. I may throw in other surprises too!

belladonna between the devil

Contest is open until July 2 at midnight EST (although I will usually send a bookplate and bookmarks if you’re in the US or Canada and you ask nicely). Email me the receipt at the address above, and then fill out this form.

ETA: This contest IS open internationally! Just send me the receipt and fill out the form. I don’t always send stuff internationally because I get a lot of requests and postage gets expensive (but if you have obviously read the book and aren’t just trolling for free stuff, I usually will). Also, buying an ebook totally counts! I’m happy to send you bookmarks, and I can now “sign” your ebook through Authorgraph.

This is just my way of saying thank you to those of you who are super-excited about STAR CURSED and are buying the book!


12 Responses

  1. Kristen Miller

    I pre-ordered the Nook book a few weeks ago. I can't wait to get it on Tuesday! Will that count toward the contest?

  2. katily

    Oh, thank you for hosting this! It's not only a great giveaway, it also reminded me of preordering the novel :-X

    I'm in the midst of my state-examens and my whole preorder-schedule is compeletely off. I preorderd it immediately and the best thing: it will arrive the day after my last exam! YAY!

    So thanks again! =)

  3. I'm going to be hitting up my local small bookstore to get my copy of Star Cursed!!! I might pick up two…I just discovered my library isn't getting a copy…

  4. Rachel Simon

    So my copy of Star Cursed is lonely without your signature. 🙁 I'm going to skip the contest but I love you for doing something like this! I wanted to let you know I MAY be possibly shipping Finn and Cate in SC. Maybe. I mean, still Team Paul of course. but those kisses in the library/greenhouse? SWOOOOOOOON. LOVED Star Cursed and am DYING for book 3!!! Hurry up and finish revisions 😛

    1. I'm so glad you're feeling more invested in Cate & Finn! The greenhouse scene was even in the first draft (most things changed, but that stayed)!

      Alas, I don't know if I'll be in Boston anytime soon! If I'm going anywhere this fall (on my own), I think it will be West Coast…

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