Foreign Cover Roundup
When I first started writing YA back in 2007, one of the first books I read was Richelle Mead’s VAMPIRE ACADEMY. I’m a huge fan of the whole series, and I’m super excited about the movie! One of the reasons I queried Awesome Agent Jim was because he represented Richelle and several other authors whose work I loved. Anyway, I read Richelle’s blog regularly and I loved seeing all the awesome covers for foreign editions of her book.
Someday, I thought, in a daydreamy sort of way. Wouldn’t that be amazing? I wrote “have a shelf of foreign editions” on my first “authorly dreams” list.
Last night I stumbled on the cover for the Japanese edition of BORN WICKED on Tumblr and I had a total Is this my actual life?! moment. I am so crazy grateful to Penguin’s foreign rights department and to publishers in other countries who are taking a chance on my books – and of course to my readers in other countries. It feels a little like magic to hear that people are reading about Cate in countries I’ve never visited.
Anyway, all this is to say: look! (you can click to embiggen)
What do you think? Which one is your favorite? Isn’t it cool how varied they are? I love seeing such wildly different interpretations!
(We’ve also sold rights for Hebrew, Russian, Brazil (Portuguese?), and Indonesia, but I don’t have any info / haven’t seen those covers yet.)
I also love the German take on STAR CURSED, which follows the original US hardcover look. I can’t wait to see which cover the other editions use – or whether they come up with something utterly new!
I LOVE the German!!! I adored the original cover since I got the ARC, though, so I'm attached 😉
The Japanese one is my favorite, and I totally got excited at the thought of this series becoming an anime!
I love the French one!
Love the German ones! And the French! And the US/UK! All of them!
PS–Thanks for posting this! I decided a couple days ago that someday I want a bookcase full of foreign editions of my favorite books, so this was super helpful. 🙂
LOVE the US/UK softcovers! She is absolutely gorgeous and strong. Love the birds and stars.
I really love the old copy of Born Wicked and the German cover for Star Cursed! I really hope the Swedish Publishers choose the german cover!!