

SISTERS’ FATE Jacket Copy + Release Date News!

Eep! I have more SISTERS FATE news! I got to see the full jacket today and it is SO SO GORGEOUS, continuing those fiery sunset colors. I love it. I can’t share that quiiite yet, but I CAN share the jacket copy:







SistersFate_JK.inddA fever ravages New London, but with the Brotherhood sending suspected witches straight to the gallows, the Sisters are powerless against the disease. They can’t help without revealing their powers—as Cate learns when a potent display of magic turns her into the most wanted witch in all of New England. 

To make matters worse, Cate has been erased from the memory of her beloved Finn. While she’s torn between protecting him from further attacks and encouraging him to fall for her all over again, she’s certain she can never forgive Maura’s betrayal. And now that Tess’s visions have taken a deadly turn, the prophecy that one Cahill sister will murder another looms ever closer to its fulfillment. 

​EEP! What do you think? I’m almost finished with my edits on the book and am feeling a little emotional about saying goodbye to these characters. I heard “Shake It Out” (which is on my SF playlist) today and almost cried.

ALSO. I can announce our release date! It’s August 14, 2014!​

…I know that might be a little later that some of you (and I) were hoping…but it’s for good reasons. June is a tremendously crowded month, YA-book-wise, and pushing it back to August will hopefully help SISTERS’ FATE stand out more, especially with back-to-school sales! I promise the ending is full of…well, I can’t really say, can I? But it feels epic and lovely and sad and right to me, and I hope it will be worth the wait!


29 Responses

  1. Oh my goodness!!! AUGUST!! I'm dying here!!! *sobs*

    I can understand you want to will be best for the book sales and all, but dear me, the wait is gonna kill us!!

    Also… MEEEEEP!! That cover copy! I foresee ALL THE FEELS!!!!!! while reading this book!!

    Will there be ARCs available or since it's the last book you'll avoid them?

  2. Desiree Thompson

    Oh my shizz! That just gave me chills! I cannot tell you how excited I am for this book. I wish the release were a little closer, but this just gives me the perfect excuse to reread the first two books closer to SISTERS’ FATE release!

  3. christine benard

    so close yet so far away !!!!! i am very excited for your new book !!!! congratulations, again !!!! counting down to august 14 !!!!

  4. amy

    why must you make me want to curl up into a ball and cry and punch a whole in the wall at the same time with your books… i love them but so many emotions i cant handel them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. paige norrish

    ughhh i cant believe you left the books on such horrible cliff hangers im going to die and august 2014 is way way off i love you your the most exciting author yet xxx!!!

  6. Merna Awad

    OMG!! Ms. Spotswood, REALLY!! I cried my eyes and heart out at the end!!! Someone save me a place in Harwood!! I am going Sky-Goddess (Egyptian Mythology Goddess and her name is Nuts)!!

  7. Ash

    OMG!!! You left Stat Cursed on a HUGE cliff hanger!! WHY DID OU HAVE TO DO. THAT TO YOUR FANS!!! Ahhh!! I cried in the end of the book it was such a big cliff hanger!! I can no wait until august 2014, but I guess I have to!

    1. Thanks for reading, Ash! I'm so glad you felt invested! You know, in revisions, I rewrote about 75% of Star Cursed – but the ending was always the same. It felt like the right place to end the book – just as everything changes and before we begin Cate's journey in book 3!

  8. Mad_Hatter6

    At the end of Born Wicked I fell into an emotional coma, at the end of Star Cursed I internally died. Your books just left with me an empty void that made me roll around on the floor for eternity screaming "WHY?!"..I am sooooo excited for Sisters' Fate and I hope that FATE (Finn and Cate's shipping name) will be happy again and I can be HAPPY BECAUSE YOU LEFT ME IN A PUDDLE OF MY OWN TEARS AT THE END OF STAR CURSED!!! ARGH!!

    1. Oh no! I'm sorry for the puddle of tears…well, kind of. *smiles* I'm so happy that you feel really invested in Cate & Finn! And I love that shipping name! *squees a little* Thank you for reading!

  9. Juliana Tate

    Why is it still so far away? My summer is going to be miserable because of the cliffhanger you left us on last time! I've had this page up for months and I never close it on my computer because I check it like every 10 minutes to see how long it will be until I can again partake of the genius works of Jessica Spotswood! AAH!!!

  10. Lalylover101

    I just finished re-reading the first two books for the 24th time and I still cried. Idk, but I think that's not normal. Wow, Jessica Spotswood, you know how to spin words!

  11. Ayşe

    Hello I’m from Turkey I finished the second Book of the series chatham and I look forward to be translated the third Book in turkish I reaally like your books Thanks

  12. Bestenur

    hi, I just finished reading your book in one breath. I am writing my questions with great curiosity. Is the third book will be translated into Turkish? Is there any information about the date? I eagerly await your reply. thanks.

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