


Hi! Guess what? We’re down to 6 weeks left till SISTERS’ FATE releases! I can’t wait to share the end of Cate and Maura and Tess and Finn’s story with you all!

To that end, I’m going to be doing a bunch of giveaways over the next few weeks – some here, some with the help of some bloggers who have been hugely, amazingly supportive of the series and who will be also revealing exclusive excerpts, and some across various social media. So if you’re interested in winning signed ARCs of SISTERS’ FATE or signed paperbacks of STAR CURSED, you might want to follow me on twitter and Instagram, and follow the Cahill Witch Chronicles on Facebook!

Also – SISTERS’ FATE got its first trade review – from Kirkus – and it’s so happy-making! Most of it’s basically summary, but it ends like this:

…an explosive ending. Actions have real consequences, and… the fulfillment of the prophecy is dead-on…The riveting, ambitious plot and strong, moral-yet-fallible heroine are a winning combination.


So I’m celebrating by giving away two witchy ARCs – one of SISTERS’ FATE & one of fellow Putnam author Katherine Howe’s CONVERSION, which looks awesome and creepy! You had me at PREP meets THE CRUCIBLE, basically. Check it out:


From the New York Times bestselling author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane comes a chilling mystery—Prep meets The Crucible
It’s senior year at St. Joan’s Academy, and school is a pressure cooker. College applications, the battle for valedictorian, deciphering boys’ texts: Through it all, Colleen Rowley and her friends are expected to keep it together. Until they can’t.
First it’s the school’s queen bee, Clara Rutherford, who suddenly falls into uncontrollable tics in the middle of class. Her mystery illness quickly spreads to her closest clique of friends, then more students and symptoms follow: seizures, hair loss, violent coughing fits. St. Joan’s buzzes with rumor; rumor blossoms into full-blown panic.
Soon the media descends on Danvers, Massachusetts, as everyone scrambles to find something, or someone, to blame. Pollution? Stress? Or are the girls faking? Only Colleen—who’s been reading The Crucible for extra credit—comes to realize what nobody else has: Danvers was once Salem Village, where another group of girls suffered from a similarly bizarre epidemic three centuries ago . . .
Inspired by true events—from seventeenth-century colonial life to the halls of a modern-day high school—Conversion casts a spell. With her signature wit and passion, New York Times bestselling author Katherine Howe delivers an exciting and suspenseful novel, a chilling mystery that raises the question, what’s really happening to the girls at St. Joan’s?

To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter below! Open only to the US & Canada, but some upcoming social media giveaways will be international, I promise!



15 Responses

  1. Lori Hopkins

    OMG! I just finished the first book and I am almost in tears!!! Hvae to find a way to get books 2 and 3!!!

  2. laurenwastal

    I would love, love to win this ARC. I've reread the first two books three times in anticipation!!! I've been sharing on FB as much as I can.

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