
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Question Friday: Eat Your Vegetables Edition

Squash OR zucchini?   Sundried tomatoes OR roasted red peppers?   Fresh from the garden: peas, limas, OR green beans?   Summer specialty: Vidalia onions, corn on the cob, OR fresh tomatoes? (…I know, not really a veggie.)   Broccoli OR cauliflower?   Bonus: Mushrooms: delicious OR grown in poo for a reason? …You can probably guess my feelings on that last one.

September Goal in Sight

Hi, internets! *waves*   So. I am very capable of meeting real (work, school, life) deadlines, but the ones I impose on myself? Not so much. My wise husband says I have an unrealistic understanding of time and space and the number of things I can reasonably be expected to accomplish. Hence my tendency to throw about 17 things on my to-do list and fully believe I will get them all done. And not just done–beautifully, thoughtfully, perfectly done.   I’m such a recovering perfectionist.   And you know one of the funny things about perfectionists? Sometimes it’s hard to sit down and DO something because of that gnawing fear that it won’t be anywhere close to perfect. It won’t even be good enough.   BUT Steve has green-lit the following goals as being totally possible:   I am going to finish my revisions by September 10. I am going to be ready to query...
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Question Friday: Undead Edition

We saw an awesome show last night: Living Dead in Denmark. Playing on the current zombie craze, Ophelia, Juliet, and Lady M fight to save Elsinore against the undead army of the Zombie Lord. It was campy and hilarious with some standout performances. If you’re in DC, it’s playing through Sunday at Rorschach!   So, let’s play zombie, vampire, OR ninja with a scattering of popular Shakespeare characters:   Hamlet Lady Macbeth Juliet Romeo Falstaff Beatrice Richard III   I’m voting emo vamp, ninja, zombie, total emo vamp, zombie (he’s a glutton, right?), ninja, evil vamp. What do you think? Any other Shakespearean characters especially ripe for transformation?

My #1 Critique Partner

I always love writers’ process posts, so I thought I’d write a little about one of the most important facets of mine: being married to another writer.  We have completely different processes, and write in different genres, so there isn’t any competition. He writes best before noon; I write best after ten p.m. He writes first drafts out by hand; I do everything on the computer. He’s a playwright. I’m writing YA fiction. He’s written half a dozen plays in the last two years; I’ve written and revised (and revised, and revised) one novel. He works from home as a freelance reporter, so his schedule is pretty flexible; I have a 9-to-5 admin job.  My grad degree was in theatre history & criticism with a specialization in new play dramaturgy, so I’m basically trained to give tactful, hopefully insightful feedback to playwrights. Convenient, no? I’m usually the first person to read...
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Meet Hermione

    Isn’t she beautiful?   I brought her home yesterday. She is 10.3" by 7" and she weighs 2.4 lbs. She is itsy and adorable and I love her already. I’m sure that sometimes, for implementing changes from another file or watching movies, I will rely on my old pink Dell laptop. Which is not really that old. But Hermione is so portable! I can carry her with me to work and then write at Starbucks at lunchtime. I can write on the metro on the way home from Rosaline’s, as I plan to do tonight. I am very excited. Oh, and she’s an Asus Eee PC Netbook, in case anyone’s curious.