
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.


My grandmother passed away early yesterday. I feel foggy with sadness. Possibly it is also because I slept for twelve hours today and have consumed mostly cookie dough, Diet Coke Lime, and a few hours of TIVOed As the World Turns. I just attempted to adjust the iTunes sound by pausing the TIVO remote. Memories keep catching me off-guard, ending in either laughter or tears. Sometimes both. Periodically I regret that I didn’t get to say goodbye in person and wonder if she knew, really knew enough, how much I loved her. And then I think how she would yell at me for worrying about it. She knew. She was such an amazing, strong, generous person. I am sad to have lost her, but so grateful to have had her as an inspiring presence in my life for 28 years. We were at lunch yesterday with my family–horribly, it was also my dad’s birthday–when my uncle mentioned that some books she ordered had just arrived. Large-print...
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This has been such a difficult week. I found out on Tuesday night that my grandmother is being moved to a hospice room. Her kidneys are failing and she is not a candidate for dialysis. She doesn’t want to go through that anyway. So she has weeks, a few months at most. I cried. Then I started planning. That’s what I do when I’m upset: white-knuckle the illusion of control. I rearranged our Thanksgiving plans so we could spend it with my family instead of my in-laws. I planned out how I could get from DC to Gettysburg three out of the next four weekends (the fourth is Steve’s play). I looked into taking a week off at Thanksgiving so I could spend time with her. I sent her roses. I tried to call her on the phone, but she couldn’t hear or talk well, so that was pretty damn futile. Then, choking...
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Yes We Can

I am so proud. I received some difficult personal news tonight. I cried a lot. But as the day drew to a close, I was listening to our next president give his acceptance speech, and I was crying happy tears. It was a beautiful speech. We were watching the Indecision 2008 show when we heard some people outside screaming "Obama!" I suggested changing the channel, and we got confirmation. DC went nuts; I hung out the window for a bit to listen to the firecrackers and jubilant screaming and cheering. There were happy texts from friends and some delighted G-chatting. After a really antsy day, the good news came much sooner than I’d expected. I really believe this is an incredible, indelible moment in history.  On a personal note, I am so glad to be reminded that even as the Greatest Generation prepares to pass on, a new generation is stepping into place...
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I am wishing and hoping with all my might that tomorrow night, Barack Obama will officially be our next president. I’m casting my vote for him because of his ideas about the environment, about the war, about healthcare and higher education. But what first struck me about him was his sensibility. He’s intelligent and hopeful and he genuinely believes that if we work together, we can accomplish great things. The other campaign has chosen to focus on fear instead of hope. In recent weeks, instead of relying on the power of their own message, they’ve been reduced to petty attacks and attempts to mislead voters that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer. These tactics can only work if voters are not smart enough to fact-check. They are assuming we won’t do our own research and our own thinking. I do not want a president who leads by fear and intimidation and...
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Question Friday: Halloween Candy Edition

This was way too easy for me to dream up. Can you tell I have a major sweet tooth? Snickers OR Milky Way?   M&Ms OR Skittles?   Hershey Miniatures: Milk Chocolate, Special Dark, Krackle, OR Mr. Goodbar?   Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups OR Peppermint Patties?   Lollipops: Thin, fruity kind that you get at the bank OR Tootsie Pops?   Gummy Worms OR Sour Patch Kids?   Bonus: What’s your all-time favorite candy? What was your childhood favorite? I used to loooove Kit-Kat bars. My grandfather kept a dish of candy in his kitchen, and my sister and I would make a beeline for it (me for Kit-Kats, her for mini peppermint patties). Now my favorite is probably Reese’s, although I have a weakness for Dove dark chocolates as well. Happy Halloween, everyone!