
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.


This post was inspired by Stephanie Klein.  In my perfect world, I wouldn’t be so concerned about politics. Obama would be the next president. He’d make good on his promises to end wars, create natural energy sources, improve the economy, make college more affordable, make health care more accessible, and increase tolerance and diplomacy. He’d conduct himself eloquently and respectably for the next eight years. He’d leave an impressive legacy behind, including Supreme Court justices who’d uphold our freedoms. DC public schools would become great learning centers. Parents would feel comfortable sending their kids there, confident of giving them excellent educations in a safe environment.   In my perfect world, we would, in another year or two, be able to afford a house in the same neighborhood (NE Capitol Hill) where we live now. It would feature hardwood floors, lots of windows, central air, a window-seat, built-in bookshelves, three bedrooms...
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Process and Patience

This third revision? It’s been really hard.  Exhilarating and nerve-wracking and exhausting and wonderful, all twisted and twined in one Word document. I have been alternately stalking around like a bee-stung bitch-troll and a love-struck fool. Sometimes, I become both in the space of five schizophrenic minutes.  I get stuck in my head, theorizing and problem-solving, and then I can’t articulate anything. My fingers feel alien and awkward on the keys. I stare at the screen and despair that I will ever be able to fix it, to have the story unfold as organically or as interestingly as it lives in my head. It is not good enough. Will it ever be good enough?  Sometimes, I know exactly how to fix it. I slash-burn and pin-prick. I write new connective tissue. I’m fully present, intuition spinning, fingers racing. Hours disappear. I know before my husband tells me that it’s ten times better. There’s nothing more amazing than this feeling,...
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Maybe a Nice Cerulean?

I am feeling blue today. Have been all week, really. Maybe the national anxiety has seeped into my heart somehow. It’s achingly beautiful outside. Fall has begun in earnest with Maya-blue sky, crisp breezes, and skittering leaves. I was actually chilly reading outside at lunch.   But still blue. In response, I am taking a vacation day tomorrow, and I am building a Spoil Myself weekend, the components of which are (so far):   Tonight: Finish reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox (I’m loving this book. More on that later!). Watch the debate and get outraged at Sarah Palin while playing cards with Steve. Write thank-you letters. (I have a mad love affair with my stationery drawer, so this is more fun than a chore, honest). Watch TIVO’d episode of Privileged. Possibly take a bubble bath. Call my mom. (Is this all doable before midnight-thirty bedtime? I am not sure....
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September 30, 2006

When we were working with our minister to design our wedding ceremony, she asked us what images and words we’d use to describe our relationship.  I really liked the image of two trees whose branches and roots mingle over time. Maybe it’s because I read the Baucis and Philemon myth at a formative age, I don’t know. My husband and I started dating when he was 22 and I had just turned 20. At the time, he was a recent college graduate and a cigarette-smoking cynic. He was working as a reporter for a local paper and acting in some college plays. I, on the other hand, was a bouncy, sheltered college sophomore who spent like six hours a day in various rehearsals and another six dealing with dorm drama. I was an eternal optimist, an English/Drama double major and a creative writing minor.   My "baby" sister just turned 20 last week. It seems crazy-young to me now. I have grown so much in the last...
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Scary Stuff

In case you need another reason to love YA authors, go read some of their very smart, articulate arguments in favor of Obama. So far, there are essays by John Green (on the intersection of faith & science), Lauren McLaughlin (on the extremism of the pro-life position), and Judy freaking Blume (on why she has chosen this election to speak out politically). I was inspired–in fact, inspired enough that I may tackle the subject with my family. My mom doesn’t vote and has no interest in politics whatsoever. My stepdad and dad are Republicans. My eighty-year-old grandma, last time we talked about the election, was undecided. She is made of awesome, and I am curious to see what her current thoughts are. I’ve been an Obama supporter since I heard him speak two summers ago. My friend Laura volunteers for his campaign. He was eloquent and passionate, a great orator who built an immediate rapport with the...
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