
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.


Ok. So…I blame Beth Revis and Jodi Meadows for this. It turns out that there’s this site where you can make ponies? And they both made ponies to look like their characters? Once I got started, I found it difficult to stop. Meet, in order: Cate Pony, Maura Pony, Tess Pony, and Finn Pony. I love their poses. Cate looks fierce; Maura is poised for flight; I think Tess is meditating. If I could have added a book in her hand, I would have. And Finn! Is he bowing or ready to kick ass? I don’t know.

Top Ten Books I Feel as Though Everyone Has Read But Me

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I love lists, and my to-be-read bookshelf has been haunting me lately, so I thought I’d play along! …I actually own all of these, too. So many books. Not enough time.   1. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS series by Cassandra Clare (I know. I KNOW. Everyone loves these! Honestly? I started reading the first one and I got squicked out by the potential incest issue. But I hear I should keep reading. ;)) 2. DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth. I bought this the week it came out. I lent it to several friends. Whyyyy haven’t I read it yet? I don’t know. 3. MATCHED by Ally Condie. See above. Maybe I just have to be in a dystopian mood? 4. DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver. See above, again. And I adored IF I FALL. It was one of my favorite...
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Fashion Friday + Links

It feels gloriously autumnal today. I’m wearing an orange sweater and I drank a chai latte. I also went to yoga, The Container Store, and Barnes & Noble, which makes me very happy. A few links: I’m donating a signed ARC of BORN WICKED plus an ARC of Marissa Meyer’s CINDER to the Read for Relief auction to benefit the Red Cross’s Hurricane Irene efforts. You can bid here if you want; it ends Saturday at 10 pm. Erica at The Book Cellar is giving away an ARC of BORN WICKED here. And I’m giving away bookmarks and stickers. You can email me at cahillwitch(at)gmail if you’re interested and live in the US or Canada. I was only going to give them to the first 25 people to respond, but WTH. They’re so pretty, and I did order 1000… I was also interviewed this week by Tirzah at The Compulsive...
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I adore bookmarks. Bookmarks with a Shakespeare quote were our wedding favors. At the time I ordered those, five years ago, I didn’t even dream that someday I’d have bookmarks for my very own book. And now I do! Or I will, next week, because I just ordered these. Keary Taylor of Indie Cover Designs designed them for me. She was fantastic to work with, very quick, very reasonably priced, and she also made beautiful bookmarks for A BREATH OF EYRE by Eve Marie Mont and SLIDE by Jill Hathaway. Aren’t they lush?     So…if you would like a few BORN WICKED bookmarks to help me spread the word, email me with your name & address at cahillwitch(at)gmail(dot)com and I’ll mail you some! (Note: US only this time, sorry, and only up to the first 25 people to respond. I’m spending a small fortune in postage lately.)

Jacket Proofs

Hi! I’m a little afraid to tempt fate by typing this, but this week has been exponentially more awesome than last week. I’ve gone to yoga twice and written 2500 words in the last three days and I’ve been reading lots. AND there was just a knock at the door (at eight, after I’ve usually given up hope of any fun packages) and LOOK what was inside! Hardcover jacket proofs! They’re so pretty. I wasn’t sure anything could surpass the ARC cover but they DO. (Sorry for the crappy iPhone camera quality, but trust me. THEY DO.)   It’s still soft-touch, but look, the spine title matches the front cover now; it’s embossed and gold instead of coppery! It really stands out.   The back features an excerpt from chapter two! It’s a pretty, pretty green with a PINK drop-cap. And on the back flap, there’s an author photo. And...
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