
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

Me Me Me Me (Author Photos)

I have author photos!                     Looking at fifty pictures of yourself will make a girl a tad self-conscious, but these 4 are my favorite. I’d love to hear which one YOU would like to see on my book jacket and why. All photos courtesy of my lovely photographer, Anne Chan.

Friday Five: Thoughts on Fear

Author Veronica Roth (DIVERGENT)’s brave post on the fear she’s faced while writing her sequel Author Erin Bowman (THE LAICOS PROJECT)’s awesome post on her fear after getting a book deal Author Elizabeth Gilbert (EAT PREY LOVE)’s TED talk on the psychological construct of muses and doing the work despite the fear. This is one of my favorite talks on creativity ever, because it fuses the notion that there is some divine spark of inspiration with the fact that you have to sit your ass down and work whether the inspiration shows up or not. Three of my not-yet-pubbed friends have emailed me in the last week, plagued by the sharp teeth and claws of Doubt Monsters. They’re all fantastic writers. I believe with my whole heart that all three of them will be published. I’ve been wrestling the Doubt Monsters lately myself as I work on my edits for...
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Friday Five (ok, Six)

1. I got my contract yesterday! This is me signing it this morning at work. I made my coworker take a second picture, because in the first one I looked deranged. 2. Speaking of deranged, I saw an amazing silent production of King Lear last night. It involved clowns and had a very Tim Burton-esque feel. The last tableau was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen on stage. The whole production was visually stunning and quick-paced and fascinating, although it maybe had one too many metaphors for my taste. If you’re in DC, it’s running through April 24. 3. This week has felt tremendously loonnnng. But tonight I’m getting drinks and mani-pedis with one of my best friends, in preparation for her engagement party tomorrow!  Liz was my freshman & sophomore college roomie, which means we’ve been friends for 13 years now, and I’m so excited for her!...
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Choices, Choices

I’m playing with my new poll feature in preparation of sharing some potential author photos next week. I’m armed with a sunny afternoon, a few hours before a show tonight, and a Sony reader stocked with e-galleys. Help me decide what to read next? [polldaddy poll=4918011]

Sweet Valley Confidential

So, I totally bought the new SWEET VALLEY CONFIDENTIAL book. I was a huge Sweet Valley High fan back in the day, and my sisters read the Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley Kids books and later Sweet Valley University. I was a particular fan of the Saga editions where we followed the twins’ ancestors around and there was a twin named Jessamyn who was in the circus! Clearly I could not resist finding out where Elizabeth and Jessica and friends are ten years later. Nostalgia trip! Except I was totally disappointed. (Watch out, SPOILERS AHEAD.) I’m not sure I could have been not disappointed, because after lingering in my imagination for so long, I had very definite ideas of how their future should play out. And it was not Jessica sticking around Sweet Valley and marrying Todd, who was apparently in love with her all along, and Elizabeth ending up...
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