I ♥ Monday
I know. It’s not Monday at all, not even faux-Monday! Oops. However, there’s lots to ♥ today: ♥ Have you read Hyperbole and a Half’s post on the Sneaky Hate Spiral? It made me laugh so hard I cried. I’m also a fan of the God of Cake. I can identify with both of these things. ♥ Games! I went to a friend’s game night on Saturday and it was so much fun. We played this awesome hybrid of pictionary and telephone. Basically, you write down a phrase (such as "killer bunnies" or "sparkly vampires") and pass it to the person to your right. That person tries to draw it on a new piece of paper. They pass it to the person to their right, who writes down what they think the picture represents. Then they pass it on, and the next person draws the new phrase, and so forth,... Read More