
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.

I ♥ Monday

I know. It’s not Monday at all, not even faux-Monday! Oops. However, there’s lots to ♥ today:   ♥ Have you read Hyperbole and a Half’s post on the Sneaky Hate Spiral? It made me laugh so hard I cried. I’m also a fan of the God of Cake. I can identify with both of these things.   ♥ Games! I went to a friend’s game night on Saturday and it was so much fun. We played this awesome hybrid of pictionary and telephone. Basically, you write down a phrase (such as "killer bunnies" or "sparkly vampires") and pass it to the person to your right. That person tries to draw it on a new piece of paper. They pass it to the person to their right, who writes down what they think the picture represents. Then they pass it on, and the next person draws the new phrase, and so forth,...
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Why My Agent is Awesome & Asking Questions is Good

It’s weird, the agent-author dynamic. I think probably especially before you sell a book. It’s easy to be intimidated, even after you’ve met your agent and he’s awesome and friendly and has cool hipster glasses and geeks out about theatre with you and gives brilliant, insightful notes. He’s on your side. He loves your work. He wants to make it better and help you sell it and make your dreams come true. But it’s still easy to be sort of…well, um, sort of scared of him, especially when he reps authors that you admire so much. It is easy to deem yourself his suckiest client. Especially after your first book doesn’t sell.   Earlier this week I got revision notes on Thrice-Blessed from Awesome Agent Jim. I was…a little baffled, honestly. I didn’t exactly understand what he wanted me to work on. I emailed with my critique partners, with my alpha reader friends,...
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I ♥ (Faux) Monday

♥ FREEFALL by Mindi Scott. I’m not a self-destructive but sweet, kinda alcoholic musician dude, but my best friend in high school was. And Mindi nails the voice. I’ve never written anything from a male POV, and I am SO impressed by how entirely she nailed it.  I grew up with guys like Seth, and his voice felt incredibly realistic and honest to me. I was cheering so hard for these characters to heal. Also: the book itself is tiny and paperback and striking. ♥ Yoga. I went to class at my old studio last night and it was amazing. So relaxing, so just what I needed both spiritually (focusing on gratitude) and physically (shoulder openers!). I came away determined to make more time in my life for this. I’m already looking at my schedule for this weekend to figure out when I can fit in another class! ♥ This post by Sarah...
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A few weeks ago, I did a post on my personal Dealmakers & Dealbreakers tropes in YA fiction. Today, I’d like to present some of my current fashion Dealmakers. 1. Headbands. Especially ones that don’t press into my skull and give me a headache. I’ve got some crazy curls, so I have to do a substantial headband. And I favor bright colors: red, yellow, pink. I credit Blair Waldorf as my fashion inspiration here. 2. Tights. I bought a pair of grey sweater-tights the other day at Target and I’m in love. They’re so comfortable and warm! But I also love patterned argyle tights and, surprisingly, even the pair of bright pinky-purple ones I bought as an experiment the other night. Perfect to jazz up a black dress. I’ve got a ModCloth gift certificate and I’m coveting these: Beguile & Argyle.  3. Booties. I tried on a ton of knee-high boots at...
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Kindred Spirits

One of my goals for this year–30, I mean, not 2010–was to make more writing friends. Actually, on my list (I love lists!), I think there were two separate items: "go to conference" and "find critique partners." But they boiled down to one thing: meet more writers. The thing is, like 75% of my brain is occupied with writing and reading and publishing dreams. I’m lucky to have supportive, creative friends and a writer husband. They are such good listeners. They are amazing. I brainstorm with my bestie all the time, she’s my #1 cheerleader, and she and Steve are my alpha readers, and my other friends always ask how things are going and volunteer to read my stuff. But it’s different. When you’re waiting to hear back about what your agent thinks of your new ms and you spend the day staring at the inbox and you feel so...
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