
I’m currently working on a new project that I’m super excited about, and I’m hoping to have more news to share soon. In the meantime, the best place to find and connect with me online is Instagram.


Oh, January. I promised myself that this year I would not fall into the usual post-holiday blues that culminate in the dreaded February funk. But my book is out there on submission with editors, its fate being decided, and that is scary. Way scary. I feel very Herby. (Herb is my new, less-threatening word for anxiety.) There’s a constant nervous chatter at the back of my brain. Are they reading it now? How about now? Now? (You get the idea.) Part of me wants to GO GO GO. I have a zillion goals for the New Year and I want to throw myself headlong into them: eating better, exercising more, reading more critically, writing more consistently, being a better wife/friend/daughter/employee. I scribble down to-do lists with great joy.  And I have been way more productive at the day job. It keeps me from staring at my inbox all day, for one thing. But then I get...
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I am assuaging the back-to-work blues with some retail therapy. Specifically, I am ordering books (more on that later) and some art for my house. At the moment, I am trying to decide on more prints from one of my favorite artists, Jennifer Gordon. You can find all her beautiful, bittersweet, ghostly work under her stilettoheights shop at Etsy. I want, um, pretty much everything there. Help me decide, please? Vote for your favorite in the comments. Or else I’ll buy them all and that would be…bad? I guess?     A Letter Never Received                           Choosing the Dream Instead                    Zelda’s Letters From Paris   Portrait of the Ballerina’s Ghost                   Estranged from Beauty                         He Left Words and Flowers 

Happy 2010!

2009 has been a big year for me, professionally and personally. We bought a house. I got an agent! I did revisions with him and now my book is out with editors. Steve graduated with his MFA, went to Sundance, started teaching, and won a couple of awards. Oh, and I was a bridesmaid and became a pescetarian (who sometimes eats pepperoni pizza). Last December 31 I chose a word for the coming year: patience. And 2009 certainly tested my patience: waiting to close on our house, waiting for query responses, waiting for my agent’s feedback, waiting for myself to become a less anxious person when things are totally out of my control like that. This year I’m choosing a new word: release. We’ll see how it goes. Now let’s be honest: what I want most for 2010 is a book deal. But that’s not in my control. Instead of...
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Best of 2009

Whoo! I did it! One of my goals for 2009 was to read 100 books.Out of the 100 books I read, I’d say 13 were not for me.24 were okay/fun reads but didn’t necessarily stay with me.I really enjoyed 35 and would recommend them. And I loved these 28. From Debut YA Authors Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers (devastatingly honest with a dash of hope)The Forest of Hands & Teeth by Carrie Ryan (eerie post-apocalyptic zombies; strong heroine)Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell (atmospheric Southern ghost story)The Season by Sarah MacLean (sweet, swoon-worthy historical romance)I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder (heartbreaking verse novel)Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter by R.J. Anderson (gorgeously-developed fantasy)The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan (fun, sexy, dark)Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev (hilarious; a must-read for theatre-lovers)Hate List by Jennifer Brown (hard-hitting; aftermath of a school shooting)Candor by Pam Bachorz (chilling dystopian with...
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Home Again, Home Again

We are back! Back to our affection-starved Monkey-cat and our wireless and our quiet, chilly (but still Christmassy) house. Our heat pump seems to have broken while we were away. Luckily the auxiliary heat is working. We had a lovely, cozy Christmas at my parents’. My favorite bit was Christmas night, when everyone–my sisters and my mom and my stepdad and A’s boyfriend and Steve and I–all hung out in the family room and watched White Christmas. There were cinnamon icebox cookies and pizza and cuddles and cats and a roaring fire. And laughter. My sisters always make me laugh. The day after Christmas, we went to Steve’s parents’ and had a more subdued celebration. His dad is still recovering from his heart attack, and they weren’t up to decorating or doing much this year. But we watched old Sherlock Holmes movies and got Chinese on Saturday, and last night Steve made a nice...
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