

Home Again, Home Again

We are back! Back to our affection-starved Monkey-cat and our wireless and our quiet, chilly (but still Christmassy) house. Our heat pump seems to have broken while we were away. Luckily the auxiliary heat is working.

We had a lovely, cozy Christmas at my parents’. My favorite bit was Christmas night, when everyone–my sisters and my mom and my stepdad and A’s boyfriend and Steve and I–all hung out in the family room and watched White Christmas. There were cinnamon icebox cookies and pizza and cuddles and cats and a roaring fire. And laughter. My sisters always make me laugh.

The day after Christmas, we went to Steve’s parents’ and had a more subdued celebration. His dad is still recovering from his heart attack, and they weren’t up to decorating or doing much this year. But we watched old Sherlock Holmes movies and got Chinese on Saturday, and last night Steve made a nice dinner and we watched the new Star Trek movie. (I have a total crush on Spock.)

And now we are home! Monkey is trying to use my computer keyboard as a pillow, which makes typing difficult. Maybe he’s sending me not-so-subtle reminders that I should get back to reading. I got 16 books for Christmas, and have to read 4 more of them before Friday to finish my 100 books in 2009 reading challenge!

I think I can do it! My other goals for the rest of 2009 are to nap with the cat, host a Team DC game night tomorrow, bake a pie, and write some thank-you notes.  What about you–what are you doing this week?

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