


I wrote for two hours last night. Not necessarily brilliant, but it’s a start. I’m finding that unless it’s a kissy scene or a fight scene, I write dialogue and Molly’s thoughts and reactions first, then layer in the description around those.

This first scene gave me an idea for another scene that wasn’t on my outline but has to happen. And it will be so much fun to write! Her boyfriend’s obligatory dinner with the family. I suspect a trainwreck.


I have so many fun plans next week! Steve has kindly alerted me to a new round of pay-what-you-can performances (yay cheap theatre):


Hell Meets Henry Halfway at Woolly on Monday


Dante’s Divine Comedy at Synetic on Thursday


And last but not least (!) Sarah Ruhl’s adaptation of Eurydice at Roundhouse next Saturday afternoon. Thanks to my Latin 4 class in high school, I have a passionate love for mythology. I have also loved every Sarah Ruhl play I’ve read or seen. Seems like a winning combo. And the Roundhouse theatre is pretty.

Today’s the second day this week that I’ve gotten up at 7 to go to the gym before work. I am so proud of me! And it does help get the winter ya-yas out.


Confession: I used to turn up my nose a little at Celestial Seasonings tea, because the brand reminded me of an old roommate who was annoyingly New-Agey sometimes. But I just tried a new flavor from my fruit tea sampler, Country Peach Passion, and zomg it is SO good. It smells like summer. Recommend!

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