Question Friday: April Showers Edition
I’m totally stuck coming up with an either/or theme for today. I think this gray sky has somehow fogged my brain. I know it’s only April 3, but I am so ready for May flowers!
So tell me:
What are your 5 favorite things to do on a rainy day?
Mine are:
- Drink tea. (I just made some Earl Grey.)
- Read. (I ended up buying The Season and Audrey, Wait! the other day, so I’m good to go! I may have also ordered September Sisters and Going Too Far. Oh Amazon Visa and Amazon Prime, you are foul temptresses!)
- Nap. (Alas, this is frowned-upon at work.)
- Curl up and watch movies with Steve and the cat. (Steve wants to rent the new James Bond tonight. I want to rent the first season of Friday Night Lights. Who will win? Will the cat provide a tie-breaker vote?)
- Bake. Or cook. (I’m trying to cut back on the baking and the calories therein, but I’m making pasta with black beans, spicy tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic for dinner! One of my faves.)