Worldbuilding Help
I am about to launch into a hopefully-final-before-querying round of revisions on my Garolass book. I’m going in armed with dozens of notes from myself and from my critique group. I haven’t even looked at the ms in two months, so I’m feeling some healthy objective distance.
One common critique has been that I need to strengthen the world-building, expand on the differences between our world and Garolass. So I ask you, dear readers: what are some elements that make worldbuilding successful for you?
Here is my little list:
- language differences: slang? curses?
- religion: do they believe? worship? rituals?
- government: representative? oppressive? monitoring? hereditary or elected?
- tech differences: communication? limits of bio/med-tech? entertainment?
- appearances: both how people look & fashion
- social hierarchy: what makes a have vs. a have-not? wealth? talent?
- culture: status of art? music? theatre? books?!
What about you? What do you most want to know about another world?